Chapter 75- Judge And Jury

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  Cristiano's Pov

"Hi you've reached Lucy Smith's phone. I can't come to the phone right, but please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you" the voice says.

I take my phone away from my ear. "Still no word from Lucy?" Nuno says taking a seat beside me on the couch. I shake my head. "She just needs space" he says. "You saw her today. She was really mad" I say. Really mad. She looked like she hated me.

"What did you tell your Máe?" he asks. "Tell her what" I say. "Where Lucy was tonight" he says. "Told them she was working" I say. I dial her phone again. Her answer phone again.

"Aww your pretty thing avoiding you" Hugo asks. "Shut up Hugo" Nuno says. "Why. It's fun to watch golden boy's woman leave him" Hugo says. "Fuck you Hugo. She's not leaving me" I say. I hope she's not. "Probably realized how selfish you are" he says and I stand and head upstairs before I smack that smile of his face.

Marocsa jumps on the bed when I get to my room. Fuck Hugo.

I try Lucy's phone again while laying next to my dog. Still no answer. Damn" I say and throw the phone to the end of the bed, Marocsa lifts his head onto my chest and wines. "What's the matter buddy" I say rubbing his head. He wines again. I reach for the phone and try Lucy again. No answer. Another wine from Marcosa.

"I know buddy, I miss her too" I say. He wines again. "What can I do? She clearly doesn't want to talk to me" I say and the dog looks up. "I could go see her" I say and he barks. "But she was really mad" I say. He barks again as I stand up. Should I go see her. I can't make it any worse I think.

"Come on boy. Let's go" I say.

"Hello" Lucy says into the intercom. "It's me" I say. "So" she says. "I've come to talk to you" I say. "I have company" she says. Who is with her? Is it the guy from her office?

"What my lovely but very mad friend meant to say is come on up" a female voice says and the door click open.

"Hello. Remember me. I'm Elena" the woman says. "I heard you put on quite a show today" she says closing the door after me. I look around for Lucy but she's nowhere to be seen. "I didn't mean to. I know I upset Lucy" I say. "Honey she's a long way from being upset. I wouldn't like to be in your shoes" she says laughing.

"Coming" she says walking down the small hall. I follow her into the living room where I see Lucy sitting on a chair and Josh on the couch. I look around to see who else is here. No one. Guess office guy didn't get an invite.

"Now Luce might not want to talk to you, but lucky for you your trip isn't wasted because Josh and I do" Elena says taking a seat next to Josh. I look at Lucy who is staring at the glass in her hand.

"Have a seat" Elena says pointing to the chair opposite them. I feel like I'm in a court room. Josh and Elena my jury and Lucy my judge.

"So do you use people's misfortune to get what you want often or was Lucy's desperation an exception" Josh asks. "Josh, do be so mean" Elena says and Lucy lets out a small laugh. And not a good sound. I swallow. "Don't be shy. Lucy has told us everything" Elena says. "We just want to know what sort of guy our friend has been hanging around. Like who uses a desperate situation for their own good" Josh asks.

"A guy who is twice as bad as every single word you probably already thought I am and more. Look, the night Lucy came to my house" I start to say but a shout from Lucy stops me." Are you ok?" Josh asks. "Just spilled some wine. I already told them how your cousin came up with the idea that we should pretend to date. So no need to say the same thing again" she says strongly.

"Look I know all this helped my sister, but you two should have never done this" Josh says. "Couldn't agree with you more" Lucy says. Does she mean that?

"At least he's better than Mark" Elena says. "Well the devil would be better than that piece of shit" Josh says. Who the hell is Mark? Elena laughs.

"What's so funny?" Josh asks her. "He plays for the devils" she says. He shakes his head. "Jezz you all need to lighten up" she says. I wish Lucy would just smile at me once.

"Some of us aren't in the mood to lighten up, Elena" Lucy says. "Well maybe some people should relax and not be mad" Elena replies and Lucy smirks back at her.

A phone rings on the coffee table and Lucy moves to pick it up. "So your phone is working" I say. "Only to certain people" she says. "I'll be back in a minute" she says to Elena and disappears through a door, leaving me with Elena and Josh.

"She can be a little suborn. She'll calm down soon enough" Elena says. "And I thought she mad when you two set her up on that blind date" I say. Josh and Elena look at each other. "She told you about that" Josh says. "Ya. Well she came to mine afterwards" I shrug. They share another look.

"I know I upset her. I really didn't mean to. I was just trying to be nice. I hate seen her upset. She was just getting happier after Lacey's anniversary" I say. "Wait she told you about Lacey" Josh says. "Yes" I say. "She spoke to you about her" he asks. "Yes. She was upset, naturally. She really missed having Tina around" I say. I don't mention the nightmares.

"You do get why she is mad right?" Elena asks. "She didn't want you two to find out" I say.

"She's angry with herself" she says. What? "She's not angry with me" I say. "Of course she is" Elena says as if I'm stupid. "You did the one thing she didn't want you to do" she says shaking her head. "Anyway, what I was trying to say. Was that she is angry with herself for lying to us. She's annoyed with herself for actually liking being around your family" she says.

"I'm confused. I know she hated lying to you but why is she annoyed with herself" I ask. "She hates lying to people she cares about" Elena says. "So do I" I say. "But you don't mind lying to your mother" Josh says. "My mother really likes Lucy. Well all my family do. And I do hate lying to them. But sometimes a lie is better than the truth" I say. Elena rolls her eyes.

"Sorry that was Dad" Lucy says arriving back into the room. "How is he?" Josh ask. "Good. Panicking over Lisa's birthday. He says hi. I told him I was hanging out with friends. Another lie. I guess I can't stop myself" she says. "Luce" Josh says and she picks up the glasses and heads to the kitchen. And Josh follows her.

"Look I don't know what is going on between you and Lucy. But if you hurt her. I'll show you what this blonde lady can do with a baseball bat. And it won't be your car you have to worry about" Elena whispers to me. "Josh are you ready to go? I have a busy day tomorrow" she says. "The wine might not have been a good idea so" he says. "Light weight" she says and heads over to Lucy.

"Give her time. Lucy will talk to you eventually" Josh says standing next to me. "I didn't mean to upset her" I say. "I know. And that worries me" he says.

"That wasn't so bad" I say when Lucy comes back into the room after showing Josh and Elena out.

"Bad. Are you kidding me" she shouts.  

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