Chapter 68- Giggle For Him But Not For Me

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Cristiano's Pov

Hugo and Elma were arriving soon and Máe was busy preparing for their arrival. "What did you do to annoy Lucy?" Nuno asks me as we sit watching TV. "She's not annoyed" I say. "You sure about that. "She has barley spoken to you for the last two days" he says.

That was true. When the alarm went off in the morning I noticed the space between Lucy and I in the bed. She stayed so far away from me during the night, its no wonder she didn't fall off the bed. She hadn't been like this since the first night she slept in my bed. In fact the space between us was still there. "She's just tired" I say.

"So how excited are you to have Hugo here" Nuno says smirking at me. Like I haven't enough to deal with now Hugo was going to be around for the next few weeks. Around me. And Lucy.

"Couldn't sleep with the wait" I say back to him. "Just ignore him and everything will be fine" Nuno says. Easier said than done I think. "Are you two just going to sit and do nothing?" Máe says standing in front of Nuno and I. "Why are you rushing around like a mad woman? It's only Hugo and Elma" I say. "Could one of you just lay the table" Lucy asks behind us. "I want Hugo to eat something healthy" Máe says. "He won't even notice the effort" I say and she looks sternly at me. "I'll lay the table" I say heading to the kitchen.

"I want Hugo to eat something healthy" I say mimicking Máe. "Don't even think about starting a fight with your brother" Lucy says handing me some plates. "Wouldn't dream" I say. "Cristiano whatever is the problem with you and Hugo either fix it or put it on ice for the next few weeks. You'll upset your mother" Lucy says talking directly to me for the first time in days. "Wouldn't want to upset my mother" I say. "Isn't that the reason that I am here" she says.

"Oh they are here" Máe says rushing towards the front door when the gate bell rings. I sigh. "Just remember what I said" Lucy says making to move away from me. I take hold of her hand. "I'm glad you are talking to me" I say. "Where is the light of my baby brothers eye?" Hugo says loudly coming into the room. Here comes the charmer I think.

"Hi Lucy" Elma comes over hugging Lucy. "Miss us" she says to me. "Didn't know you weren't here" I say hugging her. "Ignore him, Of course he missed you" Lucy says. "But he has you to distract him" Elma says winking at me. "Jezz Elma are you going to shift already. I haven't met this beauty yet. Cristiano seems to be a little selfish in sharing you" Hugo says taking Lucy's hand and kissing it. "I can see what my brother sees in you" Hugo says. "It's nice to finally meet you Hugo. I've heard so much about you" Lucy says. "All good I'm sure" he says smiling at me. "Of course" Máe says. Well from you obviously I think.

Typical Hugo he takes Lucy's attention for the rest of the night. Making sure he sat next to her at the dining table even half pushing me out of the way. He spends the meal telling stupid jokes and making the whole table laugh. Well almost the whole table.

"How have you kept this exquisite woman away from us little brother?" Hugo says resting his arm around Lucy's shoulder. "I don't know" I say staring at his arm. "I told you to come over here sooner" Elma says. "Well if I had known this loveliness was as good a cook as she is pretty, I would have came sooner" Hugo says and Lucy giggles. She giggles for him. Jezz she hasn't so much as smiled to me since Sunday night.

"So has Katia and Elma told you all the stories about Cristiano" Hugo asks Lucy. "Some" she says. Wait what? "What do you mean some?" I ask as Hugo's hand moves over and back Lucy's shoulder. "Well we wouldn't be your sisters if we didn't tell her some of your little adventurers growing up" Elma says laughing. "Oh did they tell you about the time he cried for hours after he broke our neighbour's window with his football?" Hugo asks Lucy. "No they didn't" she says. "I didn't cry for hours" I say. "He smashed the ball through the window and the lady through a bucket of water over him. It was so funny. He went screaming down the road" Hugo says and he and Elma laugh. He forget to mention the glass that got lodged in my arm when I tried to collect all the glass.

"It's nice to see Lucy and Hugo get on. Isn't it?" Máe says as I help dry the dishes. Great ya I think as I watch him and Lucy chat on the couch. "Yes" I say. "Hopefully he'll visit more. You two should spend more time together" Máe says. "Dolores why don't you sit down and I'll help your son here" Nuno says. "Aww such a sweet boy" she says rubbing his chin. "The charmer has arrived" Nuno says. "Apparently so" I say. "He certainly is making Lucy laugh a lot today" he says. "Good they are getting on" I say and he raises his eyebrow. "Hey we are going to watch Hugo's favourite film. Are you two coming in?" Elma says. "In a minute" I say as I watch Lucy and her walk to the movie room.

"She is a beauty Cristiano" Hugo says when the girls are gone. "I know" I say. "She loves my jokes. You must not be making her laugh" he says. "I get what you see in her. What she sees in you I don't get" he says smirking at me. "I thought you were going to watch a film" I say. "I am. I told Lucy to keep a seat next to her for me. Everyone else knows her so well. I've a lot of catching up to do" Hugo says. "Well the others love spending time with her" Nuno says.

"Is she sick of him yet?" he asks Nuno. "No she's not" I yell. "Very touchy little brother" he says. "Still don't know why you kept her from your family. Very selfish of you to keep her to yourself" Hugo says. "Shut it Hugo" I yell. "Aww why so grumpy little brother? Lucy not putting out" he smirks. "I swear to God Hugo" I shout.

"Is she as good in bed as she is a cook little brother?" Hugo asks. "Shut up" I yell moving closer to him.

"Hey are you boys coming to watch the film?" Lucy says walking into the kitchen. "Ya we were just heading in" Nuno says. "Well your sister would like some popcorn. I told her Hugo would take it to her. You don't mind Hugo" Lucy smiles at Hugo. "Anything for you" he says.

"Good. I'm going upstairs" she says. "Wait you not going to watch the movie?" Hugo asks. "No I fancy an early night and a hot bath" she says wrapping her arms around my neck. "Fancy scrubbing my back" she says to me before placing a kiss on my lips. Wait what is she doing?

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me. "I'm sure I am up to the job" I say and notice the smirk on Hugo's face drop. "I bet you are" Lucy says taking her hands away from my neck and taking hold of hand.

"Night boys" she says pulling me with her towards the stairs. "Don't forget the popcorn Hugo" she shouts as we climb the stairs.  

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