Chapter 100- I Won't If You Won't

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  Cristiano's Pov

I'll defiantly miss her kiss tonight. Urgh this is so stupid. I can cope without seeing her for a few days. I hope its only a few days.

"Shit" I mutter to myself as I leave the shop. I look at my watch. I'll be in and out in two seconds I think. Why did I have to forget my phone? Saying goodbye to Lucy was hard enough once. I don't want to have to do it again I think.

"Hey it's just me I forgot my phone" I say opening Lucy's front door. "Oh" I say when I see Elena and Josh sitting on the couch. And Tina. Oh shit this isn't going to be good. Oh fuck Lucy will hate me. "What are you doing here?". "Lucy I'm sorry. I didn't think they'd be back yet. I'm going to go" I say. "Wait" Lucy shouts and I freeze.

She moves towards me. She doesn't look mad or sad.

"Cristiano this is my best friend and roommate Tina" she says taking my hand in hers as she looks directly at her best friend. "Tina this is my boyfriend Cristiano" she says. Boyfriend. That's the first time she has called me that I think. Focus Cris. Concentrate on what's happening right now.

"Boyfriend. You have a boyfriend" Tina says. "Yes" Lucy mumbles and I gently squeeze her hand. "When did this happen? How did this happen? And with him" she says. "Tina just stay calm" Josh says. "I am calm brother" she snaps. "I swear he has told me to stay calm at least five times since he picked me up today" she says rolling her eyes. "He always forgets about his temper" Lucy says and they both laugh. Ok what is going on here I think. And judging by the looks on Elena and Josh's faces I'm not the only one find this confusing.

"I really wanted to tell you about Cris and I but not over the phone" Lucy says. "You were afraid how I'd react weren't you" Tina says. "Sort of" Lucy says. "So how long has this been going on?" Tina asks and Lucy smiles up at me. "A while. We got talking and spent time together. And" Lucy says. "And kept spending time with each other" Tina says and Lucy nods.

"Wow a girl goes away for a while and her best mate gets a boyfriend. What else have I missed? Is Elena pregnant?" Tina jokes and Elena coughs in shock. "Hell no" Elena says. "Why don't we all sit down" Josh suggest. "I should leave you all too it" I say. "No stay" Tina says. "Ya do" Lucy says. "Are you sure?" I ask Tina. "Well judging on miss smitten's face next to you. I think you'll be here a lot" Tina says and Lucy groans.

"I'll make the tea" Lucy says kissing my cheek. "And I'm not smitten" she says to Tina who just laughs as Lucy heads to the kitchen. "She has a thing about being called smitten" Elena says standing up to head to Lucy. "Must remember that" Tina grins. "I'm going to tell Luke we got here" Josh says holding his phone to his ear as he moved to the hall, leaving just Tina and I alone.

"Hi" Tina says to me after a couple of silent minutes. "Óle Tina. It's nice to actually meet you properly" I say. "So do you actually think they know how awkward and weird this is" she says. "Think they are just all relived that you are still talking to Lucy. And so am I" I say. "More like they are just happy I'm not smashing things up" she says. What do I say to that?

"I'm just kidding. I know they are though. Look" she says sighing as she stands to face me. "I am sorry for destroying you car. I wasn't thinking straight" she says. "Tina is ok. Forget it. I have. Anyway things worked out good in the end" I say and look over to Lucy who was smiling with Elena.

"She seems really happy" Tina says. "She's glad you are home. She missed you more than you think" I say. "I missed her too. But it's more than just me being home that has her happy" she says looking at me. I shrug. "I'm just glad she's stopped blaming herself" I say. "Why does blame herself" she asks. Oh shit. "It doesn't matter" I say.

"No please tell me" she says. "She's feels like she should have seen that you needed help. They all do I guess" I say. "Oh" she says. "Look I'm not trying to make you feel bad really I'm not. It's the first reaction anyone has trust me. Just remember .......remember how much they love you when they are been overbearing and annoying you" I say. "Thanks I will" she says. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
"Don't hurt her" Tina says. "I won't" I say. "She may act strong but she isn't all the time. Don't do anything that will hurt her" she says. "I won't if you won't" I say.


"Will you stop already" Nuno says. "I'm not doing anything" I say looking at him. "You keep tapping you leg. She'll be here soon" he says. "I know" I say. I look at my watch. Ok she said she'd be here at 5 and it's not 5 yet. I hadn't seen Lucy in person since I left her place on Monday. We had spoken loads and Lucy seemed so happy to have Tina back. They hadn't done any thing but talk and spend time together. But Lucy was coming here tonight and I could wait to see her. To hold her.

"She'll be here, Cris" Nuno says. "I thought you were going out" I ask. "I am. But it's early yet" he says. "Has she said anything about what Tina thinks about the two of you?" he asks. "Just that she seems ok with it. Although she wants us to spend time together" I say. "Ye both care about Lucy so you need to get on" he says. "I know. At least she didn't want Lucy to break up with me" I say.

My phones rings. Shit. "I'm leaving right now if she's not coming. There is no way I'm putting up with you in a mood" he says. I look at my phone. Lucy it reads. Shit.

"Óle" I say quietly. "The least I was expecting was a red carpet. Anyone would think you didn't miss me" she says. "Where are you?" I ask. "Outside but one of you muppets put the chain on the door" she says and I drop the phone and run to the door.

"Hello" she grins when I open the door. I pull her into my arms and hug her tightly. "Cris I missed you too, but if you don't let me go soon, you'll break my ribs" she says. "Sorry" I say loosing my grip on her. "I'm going to leave you two love birds alone" Nuno says walking towards us. "Hi Nuno" she says. "Hello Lucy. So glad to see you. He was starting to annoy me" he says.


"It's one of his many talents" she smirks. "Oh don't go there. I'll see you later" he says. "Where are you going?" Lucy asks him. "Out" he says. "Nuno I've been very good and haven't asked about this girl. But today I'm going to change all that. So spill" she says. "There's nothing to tell" he says. "I've been busy with Tina but now she's home and back to herself. I want to hear about theres nothing to tell" she says miminking Nuno.

I laugh as I watch Nuno groan. Things are normal again I think. "Her name is Anna I've only been going to dinners with her. I'm not sure how much I like her ok" he says. "Can't wait to meet her. And we will Nuno. You enjoyed Cris and I's fake relationship so much. I think we need to enjoy your real one" she says.

"She's so your girlfriend" he says kissing Lucy's cheek and closes the door after him.

"Now that was fun" she says. "Now that you're finished messing with Nuno. Is there a chance you can show me how much you missed me" I grin. "I swear that's all you think about" she says walking towards the living room.

I look at how sexy she looks in her jeans and heels. Could you blame a guy?

"If you want your prize you better catch me then" she grins and I chase her up the stairs. Lucy and I. Couldn't get any better.  

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