Chapter 81- You Kept Your Side

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  Cristiano's Pov

"Regularly scoring off the pitch is certainly helping you score on it" Rio says smacking on my back. "Watch your mouth" I say. "Jezz I was just paying around" he says. "Ya like you were on Sunday night bringing up the girl from the bar" I say. "Down boys. We won. No fighting" Wazza says moving me away from Rio.

"Ya you ended getting yourself into the doghouse instead of Ronnie" Wes says to Rio. I don't need Rio to get me into the dog house. Lucy and I were fine until this week. "Come on lets shower and get changed. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner you are back with Lucy" Wayne says.

I nod. I won't be though will I, I think. Because she's not going to be there. She still hasn't made up her mind about continuing with our deal. "The girls had a good night last night" Michael says as I undo my laces on my boots. "Ya Leanne sounded like she had a good time when she rang this morning. Or her head certainly did" Wes says laughing.

"Although, I have a bone to pick with you" Michael says. "Join the club" I mutter and he raises his eyebrow at me. "What have I done?" I ask. "Apparently I should take some boyfriend advice from you, since you are such a sweetheart" he says. "Come again" Wayne says. "He's being showing us up. Buying Lucy dresses and phoning her to say hi. Lisa said I should take notes" Michael says.

I laugh. "Told you Lucy would have a good night. And by the sounds of it you are in her good books" Wayne says to me. Was I? Enough for her to stay. I look at my phone. I hadn't heard from Lucy since this morning. I was surprised when I came back from breakfast to find that I had a text from her. Two in fact.

"Good luck today" one read, while the other read "No sound from an alarm. Bliss". I tried ringing her back but her phone was switched off. Should I take the texts as a good sign. If she didn't want anything to do with me, she won't have texted would she have? And she certainly wouldn't have let me sleep in her bed the other night I think. Can't help being hopeful though, I think as I hit the showers.

"Hey welcome back" Elma says as I throw myself on the couch later that evening. "Hey" I say. "Good game today" she says. "I guess. Where is Máe?" I ask. "On the phone to Katia" she says. "Hey little brother. Fancy a game of pool. Nuno is getting tired of getting beat and I fancy beating someone else" Hugo says walking to the fridge. "Sure" I say. It's not like I have anything better to do.

"Before you follow him. You might want to your room" Nuno says. "Why?" I ask. "Marcosa has a surprise for you" he says. "What the fuck has that dog done now?" I ask. "You should find out for yourself" he says. "Great. Just great" I say heading up the stairs. The last surprise he left me I ended up down a pair of shoes.

"Marcosa" I yell opening the door. "Hey" Lucy says from the bed. She lowers the book she was reading onto her lap, as Marcosa sleeps next to her.

"Hi" I say shocked. "I didn't see your car downstairs" I say walking closer to the bed. "And they thing you notice everything" she mumbles. "Who?" I ask. "Never mind" she says. "Marcosa down" I say but the dog doesn't move. "Leave him. He was here first" Lucy says and Marcosa licks her hand. "Fine" I say laying down on the bed. "Congrats on the game today. I heard you scored. Dolores and I went out for the day so we missed it" she says.

"Did you have a fun day?" I ask still shocked that she was laying in my bed. "Well I had a lovely lie in. Then I took your mother to get her hair done. I got my nails done" she says holding up her hands. "Lovely" I say. "Why thank you" she says smiling. "Then we came back here and did a bit of baking. And she gave me the last slice of her apple pie" she says. "Good as always" I say rubbing Marcosa's head. "Even better because Hugo wanted it" she says winking at me.

I take a deep breath. "I didn't expect to see you here again" I say. No time the present to talk. "Me neither. But you kept your side of the deal, so it's only fair that I keep mine" she says. Right she's only doing it because it's fair.

"Plus it's only for another week" she says. Only another week left. How did time go so fast?
My phone beeps. "You going to get that" she asks. I pick my phone up and laugh. "What's so funny?" she asks. "Nuno being Nuno" I say and she takes the phone. "Take it you don't feel like a game of pool anymore. You're like a cat with nine lives when it comes to pissing of Lucy" it read.

"Just be careful it's not your last life" she mutters handing the phone back to me.

"I'm really sorry about Thursday. If I could change it I would" I say. "Cris, stop saying you're sorry. I know you are" she says. "Sorry" I say. "I mean". "It's ok" she says laughing a little. "Are you still mad" I ask. "On Thursday I was angry. Friday I was mad. Today I'm just annoyed" she say. "Right" I say rolling onto my back. "But you do have the talent of annoying me" she says. "But most of all. I'm annoyed with myself" she says.

"What?" I say turning on my side to look at her. "I'm sorry for the way I reacted on Thursday. I guess all the anger I have stored up just boiled over and I took it all out on you" she says looking at me. "Hey" I say smoothing my finger along her chin. "You can take your anger out on me anytime you want, if it make you feel better" I say. "I know. I'm just sorry" she says and I place my finger on her mouth. "If I can apologize anymore neither can you" I say. "Ok" she nods.

"I can't wait for this week to end already" she says. "I never want it to end because then its next week" I say. "It won't be as bad as you think" she says. I roll my eyes. "It might be a nice memory for you and your family. As soon as Thursday is over you'll feel much better" she says. "We'll see" I say. "Well I'll be here to help" she says. "I'm glad" I say moving closer to her.

As I lean closer to her lips, Marcosa kicks his feet in the air to lay on his back. "He does like his comfort" Lucy giggles.

"I'm going to see if Máe is off the phone" I say getting of the bed. Stupid dog I think. "Ok" she yawns. "So you had a good night last night I hear" I say. "Yeah it was fun" she says. "The guys are annoyed with me because of you" I say. "What have I done?" she asks.

"Well apparently, all their women think they should be taking advice from me on how to treat their ladies since I'm such a sweetheart" I say smirking. "That was their word not mine. And you were the one who kept ringing and texting me last night" she says.

"And here was I thinking that you were bragging about me" I say. "Careful Cris we wouldn't why that head of yours to get any bigger. If it can that is" she says.

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