Chapter 59- Dinner Invite

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  Lucy's Pov

"Are you finished Lucy? Lunch is ready" Dolores says standing at the dining room door. "I'm coming" I say closing down my laptop. "I hope you are getting some work done" she says. "I'm actually. Sometimes it's nice to get out of the office" I say.

Cris is at training and Nuno went with him. So it's just Dolores and I at the house. Josh didn't mind that I wasn't going into the office today. Well I actually didn't give him a choice. I just texted him to tell him. I still can't believe he tried to set me up with that guy yesterday. Even Cris thought it was wrong for him to do.

My phone buzzes. "Staying behind for some treatment. Won't be back for a while" it read. Oh I hope he's ok. "Anything the matter?" Dolores asks eating her soup. "Cris won't be back for a while. He's having treatment" I say. "No need to be worried. He probably is just making sure he doesn't get injured" she says. "Ya your right" I say.

"Do you want to come into the village with me after lunch?" she asks. "Sure that would be lovely" I say. Work could wait. What's the worst that could happen?

Later we are walking around a clothes shop, when I hear my name being called. "Lucy. I thought that was you" I hear someone say as I turn around. "Oh hello Wayne" I say. "Nice to see you again" he says. "Hello Mrs. Averio" he says to Dolores. "Hello" she says. "Wayne, would he like this" a woman says from behind Wayne.

"Oh hello" she says. "Coleen this is Lucy. Cristiano's girlfriend" he says. "Oh. Wayne told me he met you last week. I'm Coleen" she says extending her hand to me. "Hello" I say. She looks different in person. "Hello again Mrs. Averio" she says to Dolores. "Where is your boyfriend?" Coleen asks. "He's still at training" I say looking at Wayne. "Yeah he's getting treatment on his ankle" he says. So he is there I think.

"I hear you meet the rest of the lads" Coleen says. "Yes I did" I say. "Don't worry you get used to them" she says. "Eventually" she grins. "Hey their my mates" Wayne says. "Yes dear" she says smiling at him. "We should all meet up together" Coleen says. "Now that sounds like a wonderful idea. You should really get to know Cris's friends" Dolores says.

"How about you and Cristiano come to our place for dinner on Sunday night. I'll invite the others. It will be fun" Coleen says. Dinner. Dinner with all Cris's teammates and their girlfriends. "That would be lovely" I say. "Great. I'll get Wayne to text Cristiano a time" she says. "It was nice to meet you" she says. "You too. Bye" I say as Wayne gives Dolores and I a wave.

"That was nice of her. You and Cris will have fun" Dolores says. "I'm sure we will" I say. "Don't be worried. They will all love you" she says. And I smile at her. "Thanks Dolores" I say.

"So were you happy to get back to Portugal?" I ask. "It was nice to catch up with my friends and to see Hugo. It was a pity you couldn't come and meet him" she says. "Yeah it was. I'm sure I'll meet Hugo soon" I say. "He should be coming on Wednesday for at least two weeks" she says. Two weeks straight. I hope Cristiano will be ok with that I think. "I bet you can't wait to have your two sons together" I say. "Yes" she mumbles. "The house will be full and lively when everyone comes" I say. "The whole family. Well nearly all of the family" she says with sadness.

"Hello" I say answering my phone. "I'm waving a white flag" Josh says. "What do you want?" I ask. "I need a favour" he says. "You actually expect me to do you a favour after what you and Elena did yesterday" I say heading to the hall and out of Dolores's hearing range. "I already told you that I was sorry. Can you stop sulking for two minutes and listen to me please" Josh says. "I'm not sulking" I say.

"Look Mr. Hanson is having a drinks party tonight. And since you are his favourite person. I really need you to go, please" Josh says. "Josh I'm not in the mood to go" I say. "He's an important client. Please. It's on in his restaurant" Josh says. "Fine I'll go" I say. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" Josh says hanging up.

"Everything ok?" Dolores asks when I walk back into the kitchen. "I have to go to a client's party tonight" I say. "If it's work" she says. "I know I'm just not in the mood for schmoozing clients" I say. "I bet it won't be as bad as you think" she says.

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