Chapter 44- It's Not My Place To Tell

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  Cristiano's Pov

She lays in my arms as I hold her tight. My mind is racing after she told me about her sister. How could her mother put her through all that pain I think and kiss her sleeping head. "I won't let anyone hurt you" I whisper.

Soon she shifts awake and is out of the bed. "Hey" I say as I shift in his arms. "Mana" I say. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "I'm not sure" I say.

"Come here" I say catching her hand and pulling her back onto the bed. I runs my finger across her neck and down her shoulder. "You should take the day off. You didn't get much sleep. I'm sure Josh will let you have the day off" I say. "I'm fine. Anyway I'm taking Thursday and Friday off so I really should go to work. You stay in bed for a bit longer" she says standing and I watch as she walks to the bathroom. She's fine. Yeah right. I'm not fine and I didn't go through what she went through. I hear her opening and closing drawers as I throw water on my face.

"What are you looking for?" I shout. "My hairbrush" she says. "It's in the top right drawer" I say. I left there when I put.... "Lucy wait" I say running out of the bathroom. "What is this?" she asks holding the square box in the air. "It's nothing. Never mind" I say taking the box out of my hand. I can't give it to her now. "No tell me" she says. "I brought this yesterday for you. It's stupid" I say but a smile appears on her face.

"I'll be the judge of that. Let me see" she says holding her hand out. Why did I think this was a good idea I think as I hand her box. "Cris it's beautiful" she says looking up at me. Not as beautiful as you I think. "You don't have to wear it" I say. "Thank you" she whispers and I motion for her to turn around before brushing away the hair on her neck to allow me place the necklace around her neck.. He takes the box from me and sits it on the dresser before motioning me to turn around. The 7 hangs around her neck shining in the light. "It suits you" I whispers. "Cris I can't take this it looks expensive" she says. "It didn't cost much" I lie. "Ok" she says and smiles.

"Seven is better than eight" I whisper as I lean down to touch her neck with my lips as his lips. I barely hear her relpy as I my lips trace her shoulder and neck. "Tío Cris" Rodrigo says opening the door. "Great" I mumble. This kid has great timing I think as Lucy heads out the door with him.
As I walk towards the kitchen I over hear Elma questioning Lucy about the necklace.

"Your brother just gave it to me" Lucy says. "Well he has good taste" Elma mumbles. "Of course he does. Isn't he dating Lucy" Nuno smirks. "Who has good taste?" I say as I walk towards them. "Bom día Cris" Nuno grins at him. "Hi. What's for breakfast?" I ask. "Right I should be going. I'll see you all later" Lucy says. "Lucy bejios, bejios" Rodrigo says running to her and she kisses him on the check.

"Bye" she says to me then quickly kisses me on the lips. She begins to walk away but I pull her back and kiss her hard on the lips. "See you later" I grin as I take in her surprise.

"Buying her gifts" Elma grins. "Well since she won't wear my jersey I thought she could wear that" I say. "She looked happy" Elma says. Yeah she did I think. I hope she doesn't regret telling about Lacey's death. "Where is Máe?" I ask. "On the phone I think" Katia says. "Tell her I said hi. I should go to training" I say grabbing my keys.

"I'm coming with you" Nuno says following me. "Not a word" I say to him as I get into the car. "What am I meant to say?" he grins. "Shut it" I say. "Come on. That's the first time you have ever brought jewelry for a girl. How am I not meant to comment on that" he says. "I only did it to show Elma that Lucy and I weren't fighting" I say.

"Sure I believe you. Buying an expensive necklace is lot to show Elma though" he says. "It wasn't expensive if Lucy asks ok" I say. "The chick wears €350 worth of shoes she's going to notice that the diamonds on the necklace are worth what around €5,000" he says guessing. "€15,000 and don't tell her" I say. And he laughs. "Wait till Jorge hears about this" he laughs. "Shut it Nuno" I shout. "Jezz you are very cranky this morning. I know it wasn't Lucy keeping you awake so how come you are tired" he asks. "For you information it was Lucy that kept me awake" I say.

"What the fuck. You slept with her" he yells. "No" I say. I wish I think. "She had a nightmare and we were talking for most of the night" I say. "Oh I was wondering. Lucy is immune to your charms to sleep with you. What was her nightmare about?" he asks. "It's not my place to tell. Just keep an eye on her the next few days ok" I say. "Sure I will" he says.

"Oh and Nuno, Lucy isn't immune to my charms. She's liking my bed a lot" I say smiling remembering how cute she looked in my arms. "Liking your bed and liking you Cris are two different things" he says as I park the car at the training ground.

Later that night Lucy is flicking the channels on the tv in my room when I decide to ask her something that has been on my mind all day. "Lucy" I say and she looks up from the TV. "I'm fine Cris" she says. She's not but I ignore that for the time been. "When was the last time you spoke to you mother?" I ask as I sit on the side of the bed. She turns of the TV and sighs. "Since I left for Manchester which was around two years ago" she says. "Ok" I say. "Why do you ask?" she asks me. I shake my head. "I don't know. I was just wondering" I say. "She sends me birthday cards and rings the office a couple of times a year but I haven't spoken to her since then. Tina's father keeps her up to date about me I guess. And I have no plans to see her either" she says. "I understand that" I say. "You didn't tell anyone what I told you did you" she asks me. "No. I just told Nuno you had a nightmare. It's not my place to tell anyone" I say. "Ok thanks. I don't mind you telling your family about Lacey. It's just that..." she says and stops.

"It's just that what...." I say taking her hand. "No one other than me, Dad and Mum know what really happened" she says. "I promise I won't say anything about your mother being involved" I say and she nods watching my fingers trace her hand.  

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