chapter three

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- Brooke's POV-

Waiting for this phone call was agonising. Chloe was sitting beside me, the laptop balanced on one of my legs and one of hers.

"Ughhhh," I said, bringing both my hands up to my face. "I'm so ner-", I was interrupted by the sound of the skype ring tone. I peeked at Chloe through my fingers and she was smiling nervously at me. I brought my hands away from my face and took a deep breath. I clicked answer.

The picture was really blurry at first and I could only see the outline of two people, very vaguely.

"Is it working?" said quite a deep Australian voice, which I knew was Luke's because, you know. I'm still a fangirl.

"I dunno, I can only see like...outlines," said Calum. I felt like my insides were melting at his voice.

"Uh, hello?" I said. The picture suddenly sharpened drastically, clearly showing Luke and Calum sitting beside each other, exactly the same way Chole and I were.

"Aw, hey! Yay, it's working," said Calum, clapping. I smiled stupidly (one of those ones where you can almost feel your cheeks touching your eyes it's so big).

"Thank you sooooooooo much for singing our song," said Luke, looking at me. I shook my head. "No, honestly, you don't know how much it means to us," he said.

I giggled (and cringed internally at the giggle) and said, "I just really love you guys and that song means a lot to me so I thought, um, why not sing it on The Voice?". What was I even talking about? Oh god. Calum laughed (I cried).

"Oh, sorry, this is Chloe," I said nodding my head at her while she waved down the camera.

"Hi," said Luke, smiling at her.

They looked so hot. Luke was wearing this multicoloured beanie and a plain white shirt. Calum was wearing a black jumper that said something on it, but I wasn't sure what, and he was wearing a beanie too. It was the one that said "hype" on it that I'd seen him wear in so many photos. Weird that I was talking to him now.

"Is she there?" called a voice from the background of the boys room. It sounded like Ashton. Oh my god, I was such a fan. They should never know how obsessed I am. Or about any of my fan accounts...ahem.

"Yeah!" said Calum happily, looking over his shoulder. Ashton then came into view and waved.

"Hey," he said, "thank you again for singing Over and Over".

"It's no problem honestly," I said, "I didn't do it any justice at all - nobody could sing it as well as you guys". Shit I was letting the inner fangirl come out. They all went "AWWWWWWW" at the same time making me cringe and Chloe laugh. I shouldn't be allowed to talk. Ever. I looked at Chloe, begging her to recover for me.

"I love your accents," she said, simply. Then we just launched into a normal flowing conversation, (well, after I gathered myself after how embarrassing I was being) it was so surreal.

After about 10 minutes, I said, "Hey, where's Michael?" and a voice from the background replied quietly "here!"

"He's been here the whole time," said Calum, "he's just been playing on his PS3" and he rolled his eyes. They were exactly like how they acted in front of their fans. They were just teenage boys living their dream.

"Michael, thank you for following me," I said with a laugh.

"HA," said a distant voice, "it's okay, it just proves that I am the coolest member of the band." I laughed. Chloe looked up at the clock and said that it was quarter to eleven under her breath.

"I need to go," she said. "I have a race tomorrow after my lecture" she mumbled, starting to get up off the sofa.

"A race?" said Luke, "in what?"

"I, uh, I row," she said nervously. I'd never seen her like this before - she was even blushing! I shipped it. Lhloe. No, Chuke. Yes, Chuke was cooler. Sorted.

"That's pretty impressive," he said, smiling.

"Thanks," she said laughing a bit. Mmmhmm.

"I'd probably better go too, I have 'vocal training' tomorrow," I said, putting air quotes around vocal training, because I was probably just going to play guitar and listen to everyone else sing since I had already had my main session today. Calum laughed. I wish he'd stop doing that; it felt like a full butterfly nest had developed in my stomach and spontaneously burst open when he laughed.

"Okay, well, we'll talk to you girls later hopefully," he said and Chloe and I nodded in response. We all said our goodbyes and I clicked the 'end call' button.

Chloe looked at me, and I looked at Chloe. We both burst out into laughter - our shocked laughter that wouldn't cease for a good 2 or 3 minutes. My sides hurt.

I checked twitter before going to sleep and found I had a new DM. From Calum. 1 minute ago. 'Gimmie a text sure, skyping takes a lot of effort sometimes haha xx' and he had included his number. I was expecting to wake up any second now, but it didn't happen. I wasn't dreaming.

"CHLOEEEE" I shouted.

"What?" she said, appearing in the doorway, in the middle of brushing her teeth.

"He just gave me his number," I said. My facial expression felt like it was conveying this: ????!?????!?.

She started to shock laugh again, making a few rogue bits of toothpaste fly off her toothbrush. "Text him right now," she said (I think), turning and leaving the room.

I text him back, 'Hey Calum, Brooke here. You're right; skyping is a lot of effort :P xx'. I was met with an instant reply. I guess I could get used to this.


-Calum's POV-

She was really pretty - one of those girls that was really cute, but it's not like "model" attractive, if you know what I mean. And you could tell she didn't know she was pretty. That wasn't supposed to sound like the One Direction song, but it was the truth.

I looked at the time on my iPhone - 12:35 AM. I was still texting Brooke. We were just talking about anything and everything, it was really cool. I actually forgot that she was a fan of ours, that's how cool and down to earth she was. I'm rambling inside my head now, great.

'I don't mean to sound like I want rid of you, but it's nearly one a.m. and I'm still awake. If Danny found out about this Mr Hood you would be in biiig trouble haha xx'

I smiled at my phone. It felt like I was texting one of my really good friends, the conversation was so easy.

'I know that you secretly are trying to get rid of's okay...I can take a hint :( Haha, you can't name drop like that!! Xx"

Luke, who was in the bed opposite me, mumbled in his sleep. I looked up at him, then back to my phone after he didn't make any more noises.

'Yep, you can just see straight through me. Uh, yes, I can, I just did! Seriously, I need to sleep haha it was great talking to you and hopefully talk to you soon, yeah? :) xxx'

I frowned a bit. I didn't want to stop texting her.


-Brooke's POV-

My eyes were getting really heavy and every time I closed them for longer than a blink it stung. I had to stay awake because Calum was going to text me back any time soon. Then my phone buzzed.

'I think I'd win the name drop battle *cough* one direction *cough* haha and 'course, I'll text you tomorrow :) Sweet dreams, babe xxx'

I smiled sheepishly at his 'joke' and bit my lip at him calling me babe. So many emotions so early in the morning. I threw my phone onto the pillow beside me and buried my face into my own pillow. I'd dream well tonight.


Ayyyyyy do you ship it bc calUMs just so cUte???! im mad i wanna text calum

keep reading stay fab aaaaand rock out byE

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