chapter five

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-- Brooke's POV --

"You got any music?" asked Calum. I looked at him in the mirror and raised my eyebrows as if to say 'are you seriously asking that question?'.

I pressed play on the CD player and the song that started began halfway through with a loud BANG, making Chloe practically bounce her head off the roof of the car she jumped so high. It was a Busted song; so naturally, we were all screaming the lyrics.

I parked outside our apartment about 10 minutes later and ushered everyone out of the car. We took a bag of Chloe's each, except Luke, who carried two.

"Jesus, do you have bricks or something in these?" I asked, hauling the bag up onto my shoulders.

"It's funny because I actually don't even know what's in them," said Chloe, pressing the call button for the elevator.

Calum and Luke looked at each other, then the staircase that was to the left of the elevator.

"What floor are you on?" asked Calum.

"Third," said Chloe.

"One-two-three-GO" said Luke quickly and with that, they both sped up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Chloe and I were left behind, blinking at the spaces where the two boys had been standing.

"Oh right," said Chloe. We got into the elevator and pressed the "3" button.

"What are we going to do, I don't even know how to entertain myself at home let alone two attractive teenage boys in a rock band," I said. Chloe sighed.

"We could play scrabble," she said jokingly. I seriously considered this as an option.

The elevator doors opened to find Luke and Calum in a heap on the floor in front of us, the bags in all different directions. We stepped out of the elevator and walked cautiously towards them. They were both breathing heavily.

"That..." *pant pant* "...was an awful" *pant pant* " decision", managed Luke. Calum was laughing a lot lying beside him. He was clutching his stomach because he was laughing so much. I hope. I hope he didn't have a hernia or something. That'd be awkward to explain.

Luke had gotten to his feet but was bent over, resting his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. Calum was still on the floor, wiping the tears away from his eyes. Chloe and I were standing looking at them. He tried to get up, but he literally couldn't, because every time he moved he started laughing again. He actually began wheezing at one point.

I reached out my hand to help him up and he took it. He didn't try to get up himself, making me try to pull him up all by myself. And I have zero upper body strength. Hold on, he was forcing himself downwards, making it harder for me to pull him up!

I started laughing, weakening my arms even more, then all of a sudden, he pulled me down and I landed on top of him with a squeal. My face was only 2 or 3 inches away from his and he was smiling mischievously. I was still laughing and I lifted myself off his chest and flopped onto the floor beside him.

"You're an idiot," I said, turning my head to look at him. He was already looking at me, with that (soul destroying) half smile on his face. I got up from the floor and resumed my position beside Chloe with a sigh, casting 'judgemental' glances at the two band members.

Calum got off the floor and brushed himself off (even though he didn't have to because there was nothing that could have been on him) and picked up the bags he had carried up the stairs.

"So where do we go now?" he said looking at us in anticipation.

"Oh," said Chloe, taking off down the corridor with a start, "this way". We all followed her down the corridor until we reached our door. Chloe put the key in and opened the door. It was pitch black inside, even though it had just passed 6 in the evening.

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