Chapter 25: I need answers!

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Jason's POV:
It was 2:00 in the morning and I was Watching my beautiful mate sleep peacefully. She is hiding something from me and even though I told her she doesn't have to tell me it's been bugging the shit out of me. When I was helping the boys move some stuff earlier I could feel Alexa's sadness and hurt rolling off of her in waves, Craig must have known something was up as well because he stormed inside while I followed my mates scent. When I stepped foot in Craig's office earlier today i wasn't expecting what I saw in front of me. Alexa was on the floor curled into a ball crying while Elizabeth was just standing there sobbing, as soon as I saw Alexa in pain rushed to her and picked her up in my arms. My wolf was whining in pain for our mate.

I just want to take the pain away from Alexa but how can I if Alexa won't tell me whats wrong...It's driving me absolutely crazy that I can't help her in any way. I guess I'm just going to have to wait until she's ready to tell me.


Alexa's POV:
It was Tuesday morning and my stomach pains had slowly subsided since yesterday.speaking of yesterday, how am I going to talk to mom again. I can't even look at her. She better have a good explanation as to why she lied to me for my whole life. *sighing* I guess it's now or never.

It was 6 in the morning an Jason was still fast asleep. I think he had a late night last night considering he never sleeps in. Slipping carefully out of Jason embrace I tiptoe out of the bed not wanting to wake Jason up. Kissing his cheek one last time i smile down at him and walk quietly to the wardrobe.

Pulling out a plain black pair of tights and a grey Nike muscle shirt I throw them on and Tie on my black floral printed mikes. Walking to the bathroom I throw my hair up into a a high pony tail and brush my teeth, before applying a little amount of mascara and lipgloss.

Satisfied with my look I close my bedroom door and head towards my parents office. My mom is always in there in the mornings, dad is always either in bed at this time or in the kitchen reading his paper.

Opening the door mom looks up from her laptop and smiles softly at me.

"Morning Alexa" mom says gently.

"Morning" I say with out any emotion.

I just want to get some questions from her and get out of here.

"I'm guessing you want some answers" mom sighs sadly.

Nah I'm just here because i love spending time with a person that took my sister away from me!

I don't trust what's gonna come out of my mouth so I just nod at her.

Sitting down in the chair opposite of her I cross my legs and ask the question that's been bugging me since yesterday.

"Mom why did you take her away from me?" I ask low-spirited. Mom just looks at me sadly but answers me.

"the elder said that we had to separate youse. That youse needed to be raised apart" mom says sadly "I asked him why because me or my sister didn't understand why. All he said was that it needs to be done to let youse both be understand the powers within you. He told me I had to give one of youse up to Aliza and I had to take the other. He insisted when youse were both born I had to take the child with the darker green eyes which was you and Aliza take the one with the lightest green eyes which was Adrianna" mom says smiling gently at the mention of our birth.

"Wait but why did he say you had to take me instead of Adrianna?" I ask mom confused.

"I honestly don't know, he always said that in the future you would benefit having me by your side more then Aliza and Adrianna by her side instead of mine. I never wanted to separate youse. It was hard at the time because I wanted both of youse" mom says getting teary.

The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora