Chapter 35: what are we gonna do..

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Adrianna's POV:
Chewing my thumb nail nervously I watch mutely as my sister stands in the middle of the forest crying historically. Seeming as I can't comfort her and myself in that matter I sit down cross legged on the dirt floor of the forest looking at the large tall trees as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world and await for any other words to exit Alexa's mouth besides 'we're gonna die Ria...were gonna die!'. For ten minutes we've been in this exact position as if waiting for something good to come to mind, like this was all just some stupid pack prank and Our mates will jump out behind a tree or maybe the letter wasn't even meant for us?....Pftt yeah right! Like there would be other girls named Adrianna and Alexandra! Especially the part were it was found in my sisters room!

"Ria are you listening? Ria....RIA!!" Alexa shouts at me.

Snapping out of my thoughts I look up groggily at Alexa.

"Stop sitting there staring at the fucking trees like you'll find our answer out there! Talk to me!" Alexa says punching a near by tree in anger,

as soon as she hits it I instantly know she's regrets it because she's whispers a hushed 'shit!' As tears of pain prickle her eyes.

"Sorry I didn't realise me looking at trees bothered you so much" I fire back with some anger myself.

"Yeah, well it does when we're meant to be figuring out what to do, instead of fucking crying and looking at TREES!" Alexa raises her voice cracking at the end.

A thing I learned years ago, her voice cracks at the end of sentences when she's about to cry.

Sighing I decide to give up, nothing will do good in this fight, we're both as stubborn as each other. I mumble a quiet 'sorry' before engulfing a sobbing Alexa in my arms. Grabbing onto my shirt Alexa cries into my chest mumbling incoherent words. Rubbing her back soothingly I strain my ears slightly to be able to hear her words.

"I'm..I'm sca..scared Ria.." Alexa cries softly now.

Sighing I hug my sister back with as much love and comfort one can offer. One thing I've know about my sister is that she is a strong, proud and caring person That I have grown to love and the only time I've ever heard her muttered the words 'I'm scared' is only three times. 1. When Rosie was taken and we all thought she was dead, the second time was yesterday on the phone and now...she's not scared for herself, I know..she's scared for me and everyone close to her. A poem I read years ago popped into my mind and standing there hugging my sister as she cried, I thought of it...' The only way to find the light switch is to first find the reason creating the darkness '...I never really understood it until now I can We find the switch in this situation when we don't know who's the creator?.


‼️(Important if you wanna know this lol)‼️
Hey guys, ok so I just finished John greens book 'looking for Alaska''. I'm freaking pissed, sad and happy at the same time because of the end outcome. Anyways Ahaha, the point of this is that even though John green is the man and a total genius I will never end my books with unanswered questions or confused as hell things lol. I love his writing and books like I love KFC chips but I won't do it guys ahah. So yeah that's all I wanted to say! 😂😂

Anyways, comment. Vote. Give me your questions, And also follow me!!
Bye guys!😎✌️😘

The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora