Chapter 12: Your turn

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Jason's POV:
"Wait you want me to what!" I say in surprise, I mean I know I just basically forced Alexa to meet my parents. But come on her dads the alpha, I don't even know if he's a nice alpha. Pfft for all I know he could rip me me limb from limb for being his daughters mate! Ok maybe I'm overreacting but come on who wouldn't shit themselves in my position!
Smirking at me Alexa rolls down her window and looks in my eyes playfully.

"Naww is my wittle alpha scared" Alexa coos at me. Oh no she did not just call me a wittle alpha.

"Hey I'm not little" I pout at her which makes her laugh more, ok maybe I shouldn't have pouted.

"Ohh come on baby, get in the car" Alexa says playfully. "Trust me everything's gonna be fine" she smiles trying to reassure me "at least I hope so" Alexa mumbles while fiddling around with her seat belt.

"Ahah way to boost my confidence princess. nah I'm alright just a little nervous. Nothing a big bad alpha can't handle" I say to her trying to lighten the mood.

"Ok lets do this" Alexa says looking straight ahead,

"Okey doeky" I mumble

Walking around to the drivers seat I jump in and start the car, looking over at Alexa I notice she looks a little nervous about this so I grab her hand and kiss each knuckle before placing it on my lap. Smiling up at me Alexa's grips my hand as I as I drive us towards her house.

"Everything's gonna go fine, I promise" I reassure my beautiful mate.

"Mhhhh" Alexa mumbles back to me


Alexa's POV:
Ok I know I sounded confident and cocky at the house but I'm shit scared now, I don't know how my family will react and ARGH my dad, ohh shit well I hope he takes it well. his 'princess' Anna my older sister was the chosen one out of us girls not that he didn't love me as much, it was they both had so much in common and well with me and my dad we were total opposites, but ever since Anna left he clung to me the most, yeah I like it sometimes but it is a pain in the ass when he goes all dad protective on me.

Stepping out of The car Jason grabs my hand and holds it tight in his, looking up at him I give him a warm smile trying to calm his nerves. I know Jason is freaking the F out but he just won't admit it. I would if I was in his position. It was easier for me to meet his parents because I am a girl, but it's normally different for the guys. Turning my head away from Jason I see my whole family standing at the top of the step waiting for me with angry stares. Ok now I'm scared shitless. They look mad and when I say mad I mean MAD! I mean even Chris is standing there as well. Ahhh shit. Jesus please save a spot for me up there in heaven.

"Umm hey family" I try to say without coming off as nervous. Well I guess that thought crashed!

"DONT EVEN START ALEXANDRA RILEY KINGSLEY " my dad shouts, I'm pretty sure the windows smashed. "When we woke up this morning you were no where to be seen and I couldn't find you for hours" my dad yells but thankfully it's going down, let's hope he hasn't spotted Jason by now because he's crazy angry. "EXPLAIN, NOW" dad yells waiting for my side of the story. Ok I'm going to die either way so I might as well do something stupid.

"Alexa answer me" dad yells after I hadn't answered him.
Glancing around everyone I take a deep breath summoning all the wolf power I have and sprint past them and towards the door.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I scream all the way to the door. Not bothering to look back I run up the stairs in lightening speed and stop at the top of it just to see my dad at the bottom of it, ohh and what a surprise he's still angry, maybe even more this time. Seeing a house maid walk by me totally oblivious to what's going on I grab her hand eagerly and look her in the eyes.

"If I'm missing tomorrow tell them alpha Daniel Kingsley did it" I tell her quickly before storming in my room and locking the door.

"Alexa open this door right now" my dad yells while banging on the door.

"Are you going to murder me" I yell out like a lunatic. Of course he's gonna kill you Alexa.

"Not unless you open this door" my dad yells trying to control his anger. Well it's good enough for me

"Ok just don't kill me....I'm opening the door" I say to him as I unlock the slowly start to open it, well here goes nothing. Not before its open quarter of the way my dad pushes the door open fully, coming face to face with my dad I hesitantly look into his eyes and just as I do he seems to relax completely. But being the over dramatic person I am I did it anyways.

"Ahhhhhh" I scream and run and jump over the other side of my bed, putting some distance between us. Yeah I know I'm a pussy, but only when it comes to my dad he's a VERY scary person.

Looking back at my dad I see a little amusement in his eyes as he walks towards me slowly. Ok now I'm really freaking scared, by the looks of it he looks like he's gonna kill me. I mean the man is walking slowly towards me with without any emotion. I mean if that doesn't scream murder to you then I don't know what does.

"Ok daddy I'm sorryyyyyy" I start crying because it's the only way out of This alive " I love you soooo much daddy, pleaseeee don't Kill me"I stutter to put more affect into it, yeah that should do. Honestly I should win a franking Grammy, this shit is unbelievable ahah.

"Aww baby it's ok, your back and that's all that matters" my dad says sad and walks over to me pulling me into a fatherly hug, yep make that two Grammys. Hugging him tightly I wipe away my tears and smile to myself, yep I've got him wrapped around my little finger.

"Daddy I'm so sorry, I'll explain everythin-" I go to say but I'm cut off by my dad. Pulling away from me he smiles and looks me in the eyes

"No need to explain, Im pretty sure your mate did all of that for you sweetheart" my dad says with a small smile. Wow since when did he meet Jason. Omg jason I totally forgot I ran and left him there.

"Omg I knew I forgot something" I say as I move away from my now laughing dad, yep now she's happy. Bipolar much. Walking down the stairs I see that my family and Jason are all laughing and smil... Hold up a Minute, they are all happy and not mad at me anymore. Ohh this day just keeps on getting weirder and weirder.


(Alexa's dad in photo)
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The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora