Chapter 42: 3 days later

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Alexa's POV:
Theses past few days have been the most depressing days of my life, well for all of us I guess..even for uncle Brian.

I still can't believe it.

Yeah we only known Karen for a few days, but she was still our Aunty and our uncles mate.

It was like we'd known her for years.

It's weird how someone you hardly know can impact your life this bad...I don't wanna even imagine what it's like to lose your mate, let alone watch them die in your arms..

I couldn't possibly survive after that..

I fully understand why he's doing it though..he doesn't want to live without his mate, and I 100% understand that, so does Ria.

Currently we are standing in the pouring rain as well as the whole entire pack, as we all watch the coffin lower into the muddy earth.

Despite the rain, the whole pack refused to stay at home, and forced every single pack member to attend, child to elder.

Hearing the sound of the rain fill our ears and the soft cries of hurt from the pack, I stand there and wish my uncle would do something.




He hasn't cried since the day he lost her, nor has he spoken a full sentence.

Everything he's said is 'yes' 'no' 'I'm fine' 'don't worry'.

Its like we don't even know what to do anymore, me and Ria has given up on trying to help him because in the end it does nothing. He doesn't want anything or anyone, just his mate.

At this moment, Karen is the only one that can fix this..him, and it's kinda hard when she's the one that is making him this way...

Looking to Ria I shiver underneath my black wooly coat and reach out weakly to grab her hand as she stands there and cries silently as we watch uncle Brian in sadness.

With tears of my own falling freely I sniffle and wipe at my nose with my free hand.

Moving my body closer towards rias side, I look up into the sky and close my eyes as I feel more drops of water placing itself my on cheeks other than my tears.

Perfect weather for the perfect event....

Sighing I look to Ria with a sad smile before letting her hand go and taking slow steps towards uncle Brian.

Hesitantly, I place my hand upon his shoulder and frown as I see him flinch slightly.

Looking over at me, I can see his faint red eyes, and baggy eyes. Smiling at me softly I can see all emotion swirly beneath his sad eyes.

Its sad to see him like this...I've never seen him like this except when grandma died, and even then it wasn't this bad.

It's the bond I guess. It makes you feel so special and connected to your mate, and then when something bad happens, it makes you feel like shit.

It's a blessing, but a curse at the same time.

As I'm staring into uncle Brian's eyes with a slight frown, I'm suddenly pulled into his strong arms in a tight hug like he's holding in for his life.

Hearing him take in a deep shaky breath I hug him tighter as I rub his back gently.

Uncle Brian is a good man...he didn't deserve any of this.

Kissing my cheek gently uncle Brian pulls back and smiles at me,

"Thank you" he whispers before walking over to Ria and embracing her as well.

The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora