Chatper 23: I have a what!

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Alexa's POV:
Walking through the dark forest the only sounds are the loud crunches of leaves and barks beneath my bare feet. Wait why am i. And where the hell are my shoes!

Walking deeper into the woods I don't know where I'm going but it's as if something is forcing me towards a place. Stopping behind a tree I hear hushed voices and a soft cry.

"Elizabeth you can't tell anybody. Not even Craig" a middle aged woman says mom!

What the hell is she doing in my dream... Wait and what doesn't the woman want my mom to tell my dad?

"I can't he's my mate Aliza. He has to know" mom sobs quietly.

Ok this is getting interesting. First of all my mom hardly cries in front of people and second of all she looks way, way younger.

"You can't Beth. He can't know right now, nobody can't. You know what the elder said. Under no circumstance do we tell our mates. I have a mate too Beth and as much as I want to tell him I can't!" The Aliza woman yells quietly.

"Fine." Mom whispers looking up at Aliza.

"Good. Now you know what you have to do Beth. Just like we rehearsed." Aliza says sternly. Mom nods her head with fresh tears forming in her eyes "go back home, say goodbye to Craig, Anna and the boys. But Don't tell them anything. Wait for them to go to sleep and go" Aliza says with tears dripping down her eyes.

Still standing behind the tree I scrunch my brows together and take a closer look. Both my mom and Aliza are now embracing each other in a emotional hug. Ok what the actual fuck! Why is mom so upset and who the hell is this woman! And why the hell do they have to leave. Why is mom doing this.

Pulling away from each other Aliza puts her arm around moms shoulder and comforts her.

"Just remember this is for Adrianna and Alexandra, it's only until their both born. it will all work out in the end. I promise sis" Aliza says hugging my mom one last time. "I'll meet you at the border at midnight. Then we'll go ok"

Woo she's my moms sister! Wait I thought mom was an only child, well at least that's what she told us? Ok this just keeps on getting weirder and weirder! I need answers asap... Especially the one where I find out who this Adrianna girl is. And how the hell are we connected...

(End of dream)

"Holly shit!" I whisper shout as I sit up in my bed. Jesus that was freaking weird!

Looking back at the bed I realise Jason is gone. Eh I've got more important things to worry about. Like what the hell just happened? I know that was a dream but I can't help but feel as if was something more, like something that actually a memory. But who's is the real question here! I need answers and the only one I can ask is mom..

Dashing to the bathroom I look up into the mirror and reach for my toothbrush.

Wow I look like shit! My hair looks like a birds nest and my forehead is glistened with sweat. Wow I must have been out long to look like this, switching my phone on I see that it's 6:00pm. Holy shit I was alseep for 12 hours! Damm no wonder Jason's gone, he must of been bored to death.

Brushing my teeth in record time I throw my hair up into a messy bun and go to my closet and grab a new change of clothes. Honestly I don't care what I look like right now, I just need answers about my 'dream'.

Rushing down the stairs I pass the guys and stop when Jason grabs my arm gently and turns me to him looking worried.
Oh now your worried, what happened to don't worry Alexa when you wake up I'll be here waiting bullshit.

"Alexa, what's the matter" Jason asks concerned.

Argh I don't have time for this!

"Nothing, I gotta go. I'll see you later love you babe" I say quickly kissing his cheek and walking towards my parents office.

Pushing my dads office open I walk in and find my parents at their desks typing and writing. At hearing the door open they both look up and smile softly at me.

"What's the matter Alexa?" Mom asks kindly. Setting down her papers mom leans back in her chair smiling at me.

It's now or never....

"Mom I need to talk to you" I ask an anxiously.

I don't know why I am nervous, I guess it's the fact that mom has never kept anything from us. Ever. And if my dream wasn't actually a dream, mom has a lot of explaining to do.

Looking at me in concern she takes her glasses off and motions to the chair I front of her desk. Oh no I can't do this in front of dad. I it wasn't a dream than dad doesn't know anything. But if it was just a dream then I would look crazy in both their eyes. I'm pretty sure I'd rather it just be my mom in that case.

"Take a seat baby, tell us what's the matter?" Mom says calmly. Smiling at me mom waves me over.

"Mom I need to talk to you alone" I say looking between the both of them seriously.

Looking up at me dad frowns slightly and mom just stares at me, both trying to figure out what I need to say.

"Baby girl if there's anything you need to tell your mom you can tell me as well" dad says softly.

Argh why can't they just not question me and let me talk to her alone, Jesus can't I get a little respect!

"Do you really want to hear about my period.." I say playfully at my dad.

Dad looks at me disgusted and is out of his seat in seconds and out the door closes the door harshly.

"Haha so that's what you want to talk about sweaty" mom says laughing. Ohh if only you knew the real reason dear mother.

Walking towards mom I take the seat I front of her desk and take a deep breath before letting it all out. I stare my mom straight before letting it all out. Well most of it.

"Mom who's Adrianna?" I ask curiously.

Moms face instantly goes blank and she starts crying like a freaking waterfall. Ok i don't know what's going on right now but I feel it has something to do with my question. I felt so awkward right now. I never knew what to do when my mom cried, I was never the type to be all touchy feely, only with certain people. It's so weird I know. anyways back to mom.

"Soooooooo do you know this person or...." I ask nervously. Geez what's wrong with me it's just a dream...

"Yes. She....she your sis...sister" mom says sobbing.

"I have a sister!" I yell standing up from my chair.


Hey guys thanks for reading,
Hope use liked this chapter.. It sort of explains something's 😆😁
I know this chapter is short but I promise the next one is gonna be longer!!
U know what to do comment!! Vote!! Follow!!

Bye guys, I'll update soon ✌️😇😄😘 xx

The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora