Chapter 5: First day of shcool

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It's been 3 days since we got to here and I'm proud to call it home already. The last couple of days I've been getting myself prepared for the school days to start. I'm so nervous I've never attended a school before, back at my old pack most of us were home schooled by our parents or the pack elders. Maybe this was a bad idea, I don't think I can do this, I'm a new girl/werewolf, that so happens to be a complete weirdo. I just can't see the problem with my mom home schooling my again , it's not like it's in her way of something big, all she ever does in the house is clean watch tv and calm my dad down. Ok no I can do this I'm strong, powerful and most importantly the alphas daughter, how bad can a school full of humans and were wolfs be.

Stopping the car my brother jumps out of the drivers seat and heads towards my door, opening it slowly. I've been sitting in the passengers seat for 10 minutes now while my brothers and Chris just wait patiently for me, although I can feel their annoyance like waves of heat.

"Come on sis just get out of the car already, the bells gonna ring soon" James said calmly

" ok ok just one more minute hold on I promise I'll get out in a minute" I said closing my eyes going over my breathing techniques.

"Yeah yeah that's what you said a minute ago, and a minute before that" Andrew said impatiently rolling his eyes,
Lifting up my head to send a glare Andrews way it was a sudden change of plans when Chris picked me up and threw me on my shoulder

"Christopher put me down now" I screamed while bashing my fists on his back,

"No can do Luna, I have orders from your brothers and unfortunately you know I can't put you down" Chris said before bursting into laughter with my brothers joining him. Giving up 2 minutes later I slump in my position knowing very well, Chris won't put me down anytime soon.

" I hate you Chris, In Fact hate all you pricks" I hiss to all of them.

"Ok we'll see about that now won't we" before I could comprehend what Chris said by that, I was pulled off of him and set on my feet. Looking back at them they all were grinning wide, what the hell is wrong with them.

Taking in my surroundings I feel my cheeks heat up like crazy, everybody in the school turned their heads and were all staring at me, OML they saw my psycho moment and watched me acting like a little brat. Ohh just kill me now.

"I guess you can manage yourself you don't need us anymore, as far as I'm concerned you hate us pricks, so in that case we won't bother you" Chris said 'matter of factly' with a smirk before they all started to walk away. ohh now I see what these douche bags are up to. Well not on my watch, they forced me out the car and they sure as hell gonna deal with me. The whole year in fact. Ok now to fake cry, actor mode here I come.

"No no no wait I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I love you guys so so so much. Please don't leave me" I murmur running up to them all, I looked at Chris with tears threatening to fall and clung to his shirt. I went straight to him Knowing my brothers wouldn't fall for my act, they know me to well ahaha. Just as I was about to let my tears fall, Chris sighs in defeat.

"Ugh you my friend are gonna be the death of me one day" Chris mumbles while dragging hims hands down his face, "come let's go we have the same first two classes together anyways" he looks back at the guys while trying to not act effected by my outburst, but who was he kidding, I actually feel tears coming on right now... Who knew I was such a good actor.

"I'll see you guys at lunch" Chris mumbled to them as the all laughed with tears in their eyes.

"I can't believe you fell for that dude ahah" Michael said to us between laughs. Yep I take it back the three of them pricks.

Grabbing Chris hand I hold on tight and he walks to a long corridor of lockers on the wall, since me and Chris's lockers are right next to each other we decide to both stack all of our books and stuff in the lockers. Packing in comfortable silence I think about the past few days with me and Chris and I'm surprised to say we've actually become really close, he's still a douche bag but I love like one of my brothers. Finishing our packing I entwine my fingers with Chris's and we both head into class together. Walking pass the door keep my head my and feel a sudden panic. Pushing my self closing into Chris's side I grip his hand in mine and take deep breaths.

Breathing in deeply I start to smell the most delicious scent of forest mixed with mint. Now Looking around I now noticed the whole class has fallen silent, but that wasn't what made mine heartbeat pick up, no it was that alluring smell  that guided my eyes to a pair of familiar yet breathtakingly blue eyes.

'Mine, mine, mine' celestial my wolf shouted to me.

(Jason's the guy in the picture)
Ok so what do you think!!
Sorry I went to fast into everything but I couldn't wait for Alexa to meet Jason :)
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Hope youse enjoyed this chapter as much as I did!! :) :)

The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora