Chapter 41: Too soon..

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Lounging out on the comfy black sofa, I stretch my legs out on the large free space and lean my head in a comfortable and perfect spot before flicking through the channels, on the other side of the large couch, Ria lays there in the same position as me and whines at me to put a Disney movie on. Just as I'm about to set the remote down and grab my blanket from the room, a heavy, soft wall falls on me. Looking up I see uncle Brian with a smile on his face and Rias blanket in his hand as well. Giving him a thanks I snuggle up into the blanket as he goes and does the same to Ria, pressing play on Mulan I set the remote down and get into a suitable position for me to see the tv screen clearer.

Argh, now the only thing that would be perfect now would be closing the blinds...

"Uncle Brian!" I call out careful not to wake Karen from her 'beauty sleep' as she calls it.

A few seconds later uncle Brian pops his head out from the kitchen with a raised brow.

"Can you pretty please close the blinds?" I ask with a puppy dog pout.

Chuckling uncle Brian nods his head and does so.

With everything complete, me and Ria sit in silence for the next hour and something.

(1 hour and something later..)

"Ohh lord!...Mulan is so lucky to have him" Ria gushes quietly as she watches the subtitles roll.

Nodding my head I pick up the remote and check the time.

It's 5:00pm already. Wow.

"You wanna watch another one?" I ask Ria looking at her from my lying position on the couch,

Sticking her thumb out to me I do as she says and look through TV guide.

Hmm, what to pick, what to pick..

"Ohh yeah, that one. Pick that one!" Ria says like a child and points to the screen.

Smiling brightly a memory pops into mind.

"That's Arabella's favourite movie" I say with a sad sigh.

Looking at me from the corner of her eyes, Ria goes silent as I press play on Cinderella.

Setting the remote down I do as I did last time.

But not quite, because this time I'm reminded of my family.

My little baby girl Arabella.

As the movie progresses I find myself laughing along with Ria at the funny bits and as soon as the film starts, it ends. It felt like we just clicked play and I was thinking about my baby.

Not wanting Ria to see me upset I bed her goodnight, and do the same as I pass Karen and uncle Brian's room.

"Sweet dreams baby girl" uncle brain says looking up at me through his reading glasses.

Waving at me Karen smiles and does the same.

"Goodnight Alexa" she says.

Smiling at them I close their door and automatically my smile washes off my face. Walking to my room I cross my arms over my chest and think about my life, my baby, my mate, my family...

I hope Jason's alright...

I hope their all alright.

Walking into my room, the last thing that hits my mind before I jump into my soft sheets is, 'I hope they haven't done anything too drastic'


(Next day)

"What's up uncle B, Karen and ugly version of me" I smile cheerfully as all three of them stroll into the kitchen with tired eyes.

The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora