Chapter 18: Its here!

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Jason's POV:
I woke up to a familiar scream, looking around frantically I go to look next to me for Alexa but she is no where to be seen. Jumping out of bed in lightening speed I run to the bathroom where the scream came from, Slamming the door open I come face to face with a very naked Alexa with a towel wrapped around her body.

Oh lord give me strength! Pushing my wolf back I focus in on Alexa.

Looking up at me she blushes and clutches her towel tighter around her. Looking at her I notice that she has fallen, haha my clumsy mate she was never one to go through a whole day without falling or hurting herself, seeing as it is nothing major I smirk and go to pick up my fallen mate. Grabbing her by the hips she mumbles something and blushes beet red

"Are you ok princess?" I ask Softly with a grin knowing she's embarrassed.
Rolling her eyes Alexa pushes my away from her indicating that she wants me to go.

"I'm fine Jason, now get out" Alexa whines with rosy cheeks.

"Haha are you sure you don't need me in here, you know just in case you don't slip over again that is?" Her eyes snap up to mine and she just rolls her eyes and grins slightly.

"Argh you are something else" Alexa says pushing me out and closing the door behind her.

Laughing at the door I turn around and decide to get my clothes ready for the day, thinking as it is a better option than thinking about Alexa only in her towel. Argh I mean she just looked so good in that moment. Not like she isn't any other time it's just I don't... It's just getting harder and harder each day I spend with her especially when we go out places or out of the house all eyes are on my beautiful mate and I every time I feel like ripping their heads of one by one. I guess I have to deal with it until I can mark her, which I hope is really soon, Ansel's getting restless and quite annoying knowing she is in our grasp but we haven't marked or mated with her yet. And trust me it's not that easy as it sounds.

Picking up my pile of clothes I exit the door while Alexa is still in the bathroom and head over to the guest one right next door.


Alexa's POV:
Omg that was so embarrassing! My mate just saw me half naked not to mention I just FELL! Oh lord do you think he saw me, I mean ALL of me, I was on the floor so it would of been most likely that the towel slipped and he..... Omg

"Stop stressing out Lexi! It's not like he's a stranger. He's our mate" celestial says

"That's the point celestial, he's our SEXY, HOT, WELL DEFINED, PERFECT MATE! " I say freaking the freak out to my wolf.

What I would of hoped for from celestial was some reassurance that our mate didn't see me naked and that I was just over exaggerating everything like normal but what I got instead was a laugh in my head from her.

"Lexi he's our mate it doesn't matter if he saw you, I do not get why your being over dramatic" celestial says laughing.

"Your such a pain celestial I swear! All I'm saying is what if he didn't like what he saw, or what if he....omg celestial what if he-" i was saying before celestial cut me off.

"Alexa you have like the most hottest body I've ever seen, for a girl that is ahah, anyways what I'm trying to say is that stop putting yourself down because your pretty, got a hot bod and have green eyes. Ohhhh And a very beautiful wolf might I add ahah. I know you don't see what I see but all of those things, that's what makes you beautiful" celestial.

"OMG celestial did you just quote one direction, AGAIN! Ahahahah" I laugh out leaning against the bench for support. Omg my celestial is one of a kind!

The new girl (werewolf)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora