Amnesia part 3- Jace

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Narrator point of view

Jace was with Y/n every day. She was slowly remembering bits and pieces about when she was little but nothing to recent. Finally three weeks after being in the hospital she was released though she still didn't remember things from four or five years in the past just childhood events and becoming 10, 11, 12.

She wandered around looking lost until Jace came and helped her. 

"Mom says to send her out on a mission but how can we do that when she knows so little about the shadow world and the mortal world too?" Isabelle said to Alec. 

"I don't know but we have too." Alec replies. So she was sent out with Jace to kill a single demon. There was a surprise attack and y/n was outnumbered three on one. She couldn't remember what to do.

   When they all attacked everything came back every memory, dream, battle move, everything. When the fight was over she ran and hugged Jace looking at him with a huge smile on her face saying two simple words. 

"I remember."

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