Alec prompt for -lightwood-bane-

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#10 what I meant it as a compliment.

Your point of view

Alec was always kind of awkward. He didn't know what classified as a compliment or what didn't. And he especially did not know what was offensive or questionable. There have been many times when this has happened. We were training and I was working on my archery skills. I was pretty good but not as good as him. We were competing to see who could get the most bulls eyes. I somehow managed to get four out of five but of course Alec got all five bulls eyes.

"That was pretty good. For a girl of course." he said afterwards. I got of course rightfully got mad at how rude and sexist his comment was and stormed off saying

"I'm going to have a shower." He was confused at what he did wrong and asked

"What? I meant it as a compliment." I groaned and walked off.

Third person point of view

After Y/n went for her shower, Alec went to his sister, Isabelle, for help.

"Izzy I don't know what I did wrong. Y/n's mad at me after I complimented her on her archery." He told her distraught.

"What did you say exactly. Give me your exact words." She said knowing her brother probably said something sexist but didn't know it. Her brother and his parabatai both had that problem.

"I told her that her archery was pretty good for a girl." He said confused as to what he did wrong. Isabelle groaned.

"That was the worst thing to say to her. Never ever say that something was good for a girl. Go apologise to her. Bake her something while you're at it." Alec left and went down to the kitchen. There he made his first ever batch of chocolate chip cookies. After they cooled he brought them to her room. He knocked on her door.

"I'm sorry for saying something so sexist. I had no idea and am extremely clueless. I made you I'm sorry cookies." He said when she opened the door. He offered one to her and she tried it.

"You are forgiven and I must say these are pretty good," she said. "For a guy." She added slyly. She closed the door and all was well again.

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