They cheat part two

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You were heartbroken. It wasn't like you tried to hide it. Everyone pitted you. You almost never came put of your room and when you did your eyes were red and puffy from crying. You avoided Jace at all costs and Isabelle sorta became your bodyguard only letting herself, Simon(your best friend), and Alec into your room. 

"Y/n open up!" Someone said banging on your door. "I know you're in there!" You knew it was Jace and you didn't want to talk to him. You called Isabelle. You then realized she was on a mission. You would have to deal with this yourself. 

"Come in." You tell him.

 "Y/n I didn't kiss Clary-" 

"Let me guess you didn't kiss her she kissed you? I clearly saw you kiss her back! Jace look we broke up you have to move on. We aren't getting back together." 

"I will respect your wishes. But just know I love you and I always will. Always " He couldn't help it he kissed you. You felt fireworks. You couldn't let this go. 

"One more chance." You say.


*1 hour later* 

"Y/n please it wasn't what it looked like. Please just hear me out!" He begged. You turn your head away. 

"I'm listening. You have 5 minutes." 

"Y/n I didn't kiss him he kissed me!" 

"From my point of view you looked pretty content." 

"I wasn't. Y/n please listen to me. Believe me!" He begs. 

"Alec I really want to believe you but your story doesn't match up. If this wasn't already clear we are over." And you walked away. 


"Guys has anyone seen Y/n?" Simon asked. 

"No last we saw her she was out with you." Isabelle replied. 

"I'll be right back." Simon says. He runs to your room. All of your stuff was gone exempt a few pictures of the two of you, your cell phone and a note. 

   Dear whoever finds this note, by now you have more than likely realized that I have left. I am not coming back so don't look for me. I'm sorry this was so sudden and if you have any other questions ask Simon.                                                                                                                                                                                  Sincerely Y/n 

"I'm sorry Simon." Isabelle says. "I am too." He replies. 


"Oh hello Y/n." Camille states. 


"Save it! There is no excuse for this. We are over." You run out the door to the nearest seelie pond but have your arm grabbed by Raphael. 

"Y/n please listen." 

"No. let go of me now or I'll call the Seelie Queen." You threatened. He released you and you entered the seelie realm at once.

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