Raphael imagine for Kayleigh2315

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  This was requested by kayleigh2315

  Your point of view

"You're choosing the clan over me again Raphael?" I scream at my boyfriend, Raphael. 

"I have a duty to my clan Y/n. I'm their leader and that means that I am always there, that I help and protect them and, in this case that I help Simon track down Camille." He says while trying to remain calm but slowly losing his temper.

"Raph, you know that Camille is mad because you made her leave then took over her clan. She is unpredictable when she is mad and will likely kill you. I'm trying to look out for you." I say, trying to reason with him. 

 "Which is exactly why I have to stop her. She is unpredictable which means she could take her anger out on my clan." He replies walking towards the door. Our fight was in the scary quiet phase.

   "Raphael Santiago, if you walk out that door then we are over." I say. He pauses with his hand on the door knob. I smiled smugly thinking that I won but he just turned the knob and left. I feel nauseous; I feel numb. I need a drink. I leave for the supernatural bar the Hunter's Moon.

 I wave at Maia who is bartending and sit down. 

"I need a glass of whiskey neat." I tell her when she arrives. 

 "Whiskey neat? That's not your usual; what's up?" She asks

 "You know the usual; just a rough day." I reply vaguely.

"Quite a strong drink for a rough day." Maia observes.

  "Might not be just any ordinary rough day." I respond.

"Tell me what happened; I might be a bartender but with all the advice I give and shit I listen to, I might as well be a really cheap therapist." She retorts.

"Raphael and I broke up; it was a stupid fight and a stupid move to make." I answer.

"Then apologize." She states as if it's obvious.

"It's not that easy. I'm sick of him picking the clan over me and putting himself in dangerous situations for stupid reasons. Tonight he's with Simon hunting down Camille Belcourt." I reported.

  "Well... just do what you think is best." Maia advises

"Wow great advice. I thought that you were a therapist." I retort sassily. She shrugs before moving to pour another drink.

"That's quite the predicament that you've gotten yourself into." I hear a voice say from my left. I turn and see Jace  Herondale. Just great; really it's fabulous. The amazing prick of a shadowhunter adding his two cents to my life problems. "I think that he deserved it; if he truly cared about you as much as he says that he does then maybe he wouldn't have left." He added.

Before I can say anything I feel like I'm about to hurl. I run to the bathroom just in time to throw up. When I exit Jace is leaning against the doorframe. 

"You are an extreme lightweight. How many drinks have you had?" He asks.

"Half a drink. I was feeling nauseous earlier too. I think it was the leftover chinese that I had for lunch." I answer.

"Here I'll drive you home." He offers.

"Thanks; I think I'll take you up on that offer." I replied. He drives me on his bike and I somehow managed not to throw up. Jace stays to make sure that I'm ok.

It's been a rough three months but Jace has helped me through it. He helped me with the break up which I took much worse the next day and throughout the various stages of the first trimester of my pregnancy. Jace insisted that he move in with me to take care if me but I think he did it because I've been having trouble paying rent. 

"So don't forget we have a meeting at the institute." Jace reminds me.

 "Why do I have to go? I'm not supernatural." I whine.

"Exactly; you, my dear are our mundane representative." He insists.

"Fine," I grumble. "But I'm not happy about it. You owe me ice cream." 

"Okay, okay" He agrees.

We walk to the meeting and I stop when I enter the room. "You didn't tell me that Raphael was supposed to be here." I hiss to Jace.

"It is a meeting with every representative. I swear I told you." He mutters back.

"Well you didn't." I state harshly. 

He kisses my cheek. "It'll be ok. Just think about the ice cream that I owe you." He whispers. I take his advice and tune out the whole meeting. When Alec stands signalling that it's over, I leave the room waiting outside for Jace. I quickly get pulled into an empty meeting room and turn around fast.

"You seem to have gotten over me quickly." Raphael states looking pointedly at my stomach.

"We broke up; it isn't your business what I do anymore. It hasn't been since the moment you left me alone in my apartement." I exclaimed.

"Well maybe if you gave me more space then I wouldn't have left in the first place. You were smothering me!" He cries.

"Smothering you; you were never there! Maybe if you were there more I wouldn't have gotten upset when you left." I yell.

"Maybe I would have stayed if you weren't like a blanket, never giving me room to breathe. We never should have gotten together." He shouts back.

"If we hadn't that would solve a lot of my problems." I fumed back.

"Problems, what problems? You don't do anything." He sneers.

"If we never got together I wouldn't be pregnant and I wouldn't have Jace living with me!" I scream.

"Great bringing your new boyfriend into this fight. Back up you wouldn't be pregnant. What did you and I breaking up have anything to do with you sleeping with Jace?" He asks.

"I would never sleep with Jace, he's my best friend. He's been the one to take care of me since you got me pregnant." I shout.

"Wait, the babies mine?" He asks.

"Obviously." I snort.

"I didn't know." He says almost apologetically.

"Maybe if you weren't being such a stuck up jackass you would have. Can I leave now?" I ask.

"Oh right yes. You can leave." He says. I shove past him into the hallway to find Jace waiting.

"That was quite some fight. I think half the institute heard." He says when I exit.

"Only half?" I ask.

"The institute is pretty big." He replies. "What are you going to do?" 

"I don't know. I'll let him see the kid when it comes but we aren't getting back together." I say.

"If he wants to? If you want to?" He asks.

"We'll have to see." I respond.

The next night I hear a knock at the door. Thinking that it is Jace I yell for him to come in. There is another knock. I groan getting up. "Why did you knock? Oh." I opened the door thing that it was Jace but it was Raphael. "What do you want?" I ask rather rudely.

"I just want to talk. I was thinking that I should move in before the baby comes." He says.

"Why? You can see the baby but I have Jace to help." I reply.

"Can you honestly picture Jace with a baby?" I couldn't; he isn't a baby person. "I don't want my baby being raised and thinking that Jace is it's father. I will take care of it any time it cries at night. You won't have to get up. I will sleep in the guest room or you can move into the hotel." He adds.

"I'm only in the beginning of my second trimester. We can talk about this later." I say before closing the door.

This was 2 years ago. Raphael did move in and we got back together. We just bought a small house outside of Brooklyn.

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