Treat you Better Part 2- Alec

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This is for @beautifulshadows01 whose comment made me actually rethink and finally write a part two for this. I hope that this is everything that you wanted and more. 

Y/n P.O.V

I'll stop time for you. The second you say you'd like me too. I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing.

"Y/n what was that about?" Jace asks once you get back to the Institute after your mission.

"What do you mean?" 

"Why were you dancing with Alec? Actually wait better question, why didn't you dance with me when I asked to cut in?"

"Well Jace, I was dancing with Alec because he asked me while you were off gallivanting with Clary. And I didn't switch to dance with you because I was having fun dancing with Alec."

"I'm your boyfriend Y/n. You should have been dancing with me."

"You're right. I should have been. But me not dancing with you isn't because of me. Also speaking of which, you aren't my boyfriend. I know that you were just using me to make Clary jealous and I've had enough. I'm worth more than that so we are over."

"I wasn't using you to make Clary jealous."

"Oh? Weren't you though? When Clary calls you go running. And when push comes to shove you pick her. You pick her every single time. So yeah, maybe I'm right to be a little suspicious about it."

"That's bullshit, I pick you Y/n. When there was an actual choice I picked you."

"An actual choice? What does that even mean?"

"Before we got together Clary came to me and said that she wanted us to get back together but I said no."

"Well maybe that's how it should be." And with that I walk away, tears streaming down my face.

I walk towards his room and knock on the door. It opens and I say

"Hey Alec. You were right. Jace was just using me to make Clary jealous. We broke up." He wraps his arms around me pulling me into a bear hug.

"I'm right here okay. Anything that you need you can get from me and Izzy."

"Can I come in?"

"Yes of course." He opens his door letting me into his room. I sit down on his bed.

Baby, Just to wake up with you. Would be everything I need and this could be so different. Tell me what you want to do.

"Can I make a request?"

"Of course. The one with the broken heart is always allowed requests."

"Can we have a sleepover? Like we used to when we were kids?"

'Cause I know I can treat you better than he can. Any girl like you deserves a gentleman

Alec sets up a blanket fort and asks Clary to use her laptop for movies. He still doesn't really know how to use mundane technology so I have to do it for him. On the bed he sets up a pillow separation. Like a true gentleman. He also goes out and buys snacks and ice cream. Since I was told that I get to pick the movie I chose The Notebook. I"m in the mood to cry.

On all your wasted crying. When you should be with me instead. I know I can treat you better. Better than he can. Better than he can

I start crying about halfway into the movie and Alec panics thinking that I'm finally crying over Jace.

"Y/n he doesn't deserve your tears. I know that he's my parabatai but he has been acting like a douchebag."

"Alec, it's okay. I'm not crying over that. It's the movie."

Alec continues rambling on, seeming to not hear what I said. "You deserve someone who treats you like a queen because that's how you deserve to be treated. You need someone who treats you better. Anyone can treat you better than how he treated you. I can treat you better."

"Alec what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I can treat you better Y/n. It's pretty obvious that I care about you." 

"Alec I literally just got out of a relationship."

"I know but when you are ready,  give me a sign. Take my hand, we'll be fine. Promise I won't let you down. But for now just know that you don't have to do this alone. Promise I"ll never let you down."

"I know Alec. So when I'm ready we'll see what happens."

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