Raphael prompt for cassiezeller14

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#28 "I didn't ask to be abducted."

For @cassiezeller14

Your point of view

"Stefan, Damon I promise I'm just visiting New York and that I'll come back to Mystic Falls. In all of my 180 years on this earth I still haven't been to New York. I think you should be able to handle the latest supernatural problem without me." I point out before leaving my two younger brothers. In case you are wondering I am a vampire which is how I am able to be 180 years old without looking older than 27. When I get to New York I head to the Empire State building wanting to get a start on all of the touristy destinations on my checklist, including the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park and Broadway. I just finished my drink at a local bar when someone grabbed me and ran travelling at vampire speed. I was tied up to a chair the rope dripping with something that I assumed was vervain but didn't hurt when I moved my wrists. A boy no older than 16 stood in front of me. 

"Who are you and why are you here?" He asks.

 "Well my name is Y/n Salvatore and why else would I be here? I'm sightseeing." I reply sassily. 

"What clan are you from?" He asks. 

"What do you mean clan? I'm not in a clan what is that like some weird vampire cult group?" I asked. 

"So you're rogue and have never heard of a clan. you must be a new vamp." He states. 

"Excuse me I am not a newbie vamp. I'll bet I'm older than you." I say. 

"I'm 70 years old how old are you 20?" He asks scoffing. 

"Actually I'm 180 and I don't know what you put on these ropes but it isn't working to hold me." I say before vamping over there and holding him up by his throat. "So I didn't ask to be abducted and I would prefer if I could be left to my sightseeing. I'd like to go back to west 45th street but I don't know where I am. So where am I exactly?" I ask threateningly. 

"116th street East Harlem Manhattan." He chokes out. 

"I don't know where that is so since you so rudely kidnapped me I'd like an escort back please." I say letting go of his throat. 

"I will escort you back." He says. We start to walk back and he surprisingly doesn't start vamp running. 

"So how were you able to get out of those ropes? They were soaked in holy water." He asks. 

"They weren't tied very securely and holy water doesn't do anything." I say confused as to why holy water would do anything to harm me. 

"What do you mean holy water doesn't hurt you. It hurts every vampire." He says also confused. 

"Well it doesn't hurt any vampire that I've met. Excluding you of course. Only vervain and wood hurt us." I tell him. 

"Many more weapons hurt us than that. A seraph blade which is carried by the shadowhunters for example." 

"Well than we are clearly a different type of vampire since different weapons hurt us and you have something called a clan." I say drawing a conclusion. I spent the rest of my trip with Raphael and his clan trying to learn the most about them possible before going back to Mystic Falls.

 "I assume your trip will be over soon?" He asks a day before I was supposed to leave. 

"Yes, I leave tomorrow." 

 "I don't suppose you would like to stay here in New York with us? I do need some help leading the clan." He offers. I think about it before accepting. 

"I'd love to help. I just have to break the news to my brothers." I say. I go back to my hotel room and call Damon. "Hi Damon. I hate to tell you this over the phone but I've decided to stay in New York to help a vampire that I met here. Unfortunately for you I know the only excuse you will try to use to convince me to return. And I'm sure you will be perfectly able to defend Mystic Falls from the supernatural threats that Elena draws in. I've made my final decision and this is just me politely notifying you. Something you have never done." I say before hanging up not giving him time to try to persuade me. I moved into the Hotel Dumort and got Raphael a daylight ring which amazed him allowing him to venture with me outside and discover how similar we really are.

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