Mission Time

465 20 0

Sabine P.O.V.
Great a mission. I can't believe it. I sounded all excited about it but I'm a little scared. I mean I love blowing things up but I don't want to get distracted. What if I blow it or what if do something worse. I would talk to Hera but it's to late now. We are ready in the shuttle and we're in hyperspace.

Kanan: Is everybody ready? We are about to get to the star destroyer.

Ezra: I am but Zeb just told me just arrived.

Sabine: How did you survive on Lothal? Don't you see he tricked you. You better hide.

Zeb: Hey kid. You up for a fight?

Ezra: No!

Kanan: We don't have time anyway now quiet up.


Empirial captain: You are trespassing in an empirial territory. State your business.

Kanan: We have a cargo. Permission to land?

Empirial captain: Permission not granted. Clearance code please.

Kanan: Clearance code 1219556.

Empirial captain: Clearance code accepted. Doc in bay 12.

Kanan: Copy that.

*Transmission ended*

(UR, Completed) Sabine: A Powerful JediWhere stories live. Discover now