Okay or changing?

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Sabine P.O.V

I feel like I'm running but when I open my eyes I'm in Ezra's arms. I don't know but I get a warm feeling inside, I feel my heart betting faster and I feel protected. I look at him and he looks at me as he stops. I see everyone else behind us but instead of being in the rec. room we are all in the med. bay.

*Ezra lays Sabine in the bed*

Sabine: What happened? What am I here.... again?

Ezra: You fainted in my arms and Ahsoka told me to bring you to the here.

*hugs Ezra*

Sabine: Thank you Ezra but I'm fine and don't want to be here again. *says as she looks at Ezra*

Kanan: We had to bring you here because Ahsoka said you might be danger.

Hera: I don't get it. She looks fine. I think she's feeling a little different though. *says as she looks at Sabine looking at Ezra*

Ahsoka: Sabine do you feel different.

*Sabine is smiling and looking at Ezra and blushing a bit like if she wasn't listing to anyone. Ezra was looking at Sabine and smiling too.*

Kanan: Sabine did you hear Hera or Ahsoka? Sabine??!!!!

*comes back to reality*

Sabine: What? Did you guys say something?

Hera: Hey guys can we talk? Zeb, Chopper can you leave us?

Zeb: Yes Hera. Come one rust bucket.

*Zeb and Chopper exit the med. bay.*

Kanan: What's going on Hera?

Hera: Sabine do you want to tell us about your new crush?

Sabine: What crush? Oh you mean Ezra saving me. Thanks Ezra and thank you all for being here now in a time when I don't know whats going.

Kanan: Wait, Hera are you saying that the legend is becoming a reality?

Hera: Yes. Sabine likes Ezra. Did you see her looking at Ezra only when she woke up?

Ahsoka: Guess it is true. Kanan, I'm with Hera on this one.

Sabine: What are you saying? Are you saying that I am a jedi? That I love Ezra?

Ahsoka: Yes she is. Sabine may be the hope we have been looking for.

Sabine: I don't believe any of this. Okay I may believe the me liking Ezra thing a little but not the Jedi thing.

Ezra: Wait Sabine you like me?

Sabine: I think I may love you a bit. I don't know. I just had a warm feeling when I was in your arms a few minutes ago. My heart was betting fast and I felt protected with you.

Kanan: Guess Sabine just found happiness.

Ezra: Sabine you love me?

Sabine: Guess I do.

Hera: We can go. I think that Ezra may want to talk and take care of Sabine.

Ezra: I'll do it. I mean if it's okay with you Sabine.

*he looks down at Sabine and she's smiling*

Ahsoka: We will give you some space.

*they all exit the med. bay*

Sabine: Ezra can I tell you something?

Ezra: Sure.

Sabine: Ezra I do love you. Now I realize that. I can't believe it but I guess it happened.

Ezra: I love you to Sabine. I've always loved you. Now I know you feel the same way.

Sabine: Guess you do. So... now what?

Ezra: *looks at Sabine* Sabine would you like to be my girlfriend?!!

Sabine: I'd love to.

*They hug and smile.*

The rest of the crew: Their together. Awwwwwwwwww!!

Sabine: Did you hear that?

Ezra: Yeah what is that?

Kanan: We hid a camera in there.

Hera: We were worried so we just hid a camera. Sorry we es dropped.

*they shut down the camera*

Ezra: I better go and let you rest. Good night.

*Notices that Sabine is holding his hand*

Ezra: Are you okay Sabine?

Sabine: Can you stay with me tonight? Please? There's a lot going on and loving you is the only thing I'm sure of. Please stay?

Ezra: *smiles at Sabine* Fine I'll sleep in the couch and keep you company during the night.

Sabine: Thanks Ezra.

*hugs Ezra and smiles. Ezra smiles and hugs back*

*Sabine and Ezra fall asleep then Ezra uses the force to turn of the lights in the room.*

(UR, Completed) Sabine: A Powerful JediWhere stories live. Discover now