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Kanan P.O.V.

Sabine is hurt. I had to save her from what ever was about to get her. We got our cargo but before taking to the fleet, we all must take Sabine to the med. bay. I hope that she can get cured but now I know what that feeling was. Sabine did get hurt like I knew she would. I need to talk to her when she wakes up.

While Sabine was in the med. bay, the rebels take the explosives to Ahsoka. She was waiting for them in the cargo room. She looked worried as if she needed to talk to them.

Ahsoka: Hello everyone. How did the mission go and we're is Sabine at? I was going to give her some explosives.

Hera: She got hurt. She's in the med. bay. We were about to go see if she's okay.

Ahsoka: But what happened exactly? I felt like something went wrong and now I know I was right.

Kanan: You felt something too? That's strange.

Hera: She's right Kanan. What exactly happened down there?

Kanan: She got shot by a dark figure. It looked like a sith lord. Sabine was activating the explosives when that thing came over and shot her.

Ahsoka: That's why I felt darkness near. Kanan, Hera, I have a feeling Sabine may be in danger.

Kanan: Are you saying that Sabine has...

Ahsoka: Yes. Sabine may be one of the lost jedi. One of the powerful jedi that has the strongest force and the magic that they say was gone.

Hera: Kanan you need to tell her.

Kanan: What if something bad happens?

Hera: Something will happen if you don't tell her. You heard Ahsoka. She may be in danger. You have too do it.

Ahsoka: I agree.

Kanan: Fine but after she wakes up or unless she feels different.

Hera: Just promise you'll do it. (Feeling worried)

Kanan: I will. Don't worry. (Sad tone)

(UR, Completed) Sabine: A Powerful JediWhere stories live. Discover now