The Mission part 3

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*As the rebels got of the ship, they found themselves surrounded by troopers. They all went straight to the rebels but they all found out soon it was a trap. The shipment was there but a trooper had already contacted the imperial forces.*

Trooper: What has happened here?

Kanan: We come with a cargo. It's inside but you will need all the troops.

Trooper: Very well. Troops continue forward.

Ezra: Hera are you on the way?

Hera: *through com.* I'm here and why didn't Kanan tell me about the troopers here?

Ezra: We changed the plan. Well I did. Kanan and the others didn't have one so I took control.

Hera: Good, now do you have the shipment?

Ezra: We were about to get it. Sabine, Zeb get the cargo. Hurry!

Zeb: Were on it kid.

(Time passes)

Kanan: You all ready? I can't stall for much longer?

Sabine: We put the last of the explosives on the ghost now let's go. I planted charges on the shuttle also.

Hera: Then were all set. Let's go.

Sabine: Wait, I need to activate them first.

*Suddenly out of the shadows a figure with a red blade came out. Kanan looked at the figure and then saw Sabine. The figure started to charge towards Sabine.*

Kanan: Sabine time to go. Now.

Sabine: I told you to wait.

Kanan: No time. Hurry!

Sabine: Just a little more time.

Kanan: Sabine watch out!

Sabine: What?

*The figure had put away the red blade and had a blaster. The figure pointed at Sabine and shot her. Sabine fell to the floor.*

Kanan: No! Ezra push that crate towards that person.

Ezra: You got it. (As he used the force to push the crate)

Kanan got to Sabine and carried her inside.

Hera: Kanan what's going on down there?

Kanan: Sabine got hurt. Just get us out of here.

Hera: Okay you got it. Chopper activate the hyper drive.

The ship made it to space and soon were in hyperspace.

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