A small date

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Ezra P.O.V
The others just went to sleep but somehow I can't. I wanted to do something because it would be special. I get out of my bunk and open the door slowly. I checked that chopper wasn't around. I went all over the ship just to find him recharging. I head to the top of the ghost and set a lot of things around. After I finish, I look at the sky. It's only 2 am. I still have time. I head to Sabine's room.

Sabine P.O.V
I went to sleep, but in the middle of the night I could have sworn I heard footsteps. It's not chopper, he only rolls but this is different. Then I hear steps on the ceiling. What is that? It all stops. Ahhh what do I care, it all stopped so I go back to sleep.

Ezra P.O.V
I open the door just to find Sabine sleeping on one of the couches. I go to her and try to wake her up.

Ezra: Sabine? Sabine, wake up.

*Sabine starts waking up then screams*

Sabine: Ahhh! *Ezra covers her mouth*

Ezra: Shh, don't scream it's just me. I have something to show you. Come on.

Sabine: Ezra, what are you doing. Go to bed. Can't it wait till morning?

Ezra: No! Come on, hurry!

Sabine: Fine. *Sabine gets up*

*They walk then Ezra covers Sabine's eyes with a blind fold*

Sabine: Hey, what are you doing?

Ezra: It's a surprise. I'll tell you where to go.

*Ezra climbs to the top of the ghost then he guides Sabine up*

Sabine P.O.V
I don't know what the kid is doing but I'm going with it. He blind folds me and leads me up the ghost. He takes me by the hand to help me up. He removes the blind fold and I gasped on seeing a beautiful sight. I see the sky full of stars with the Lothal moons shining above us. Then I see a blanket on the floor with flower pedals, candles and a basket in the middle.

Sabine: Wow. What did you do?

Ezra: Surprise. Our first date. I hope you like it.

Sabine: Ezra I love it. Thank you. *hugs Ezra and Ezra hugs back*

Ezra: Come on.

Sabine: Okay.

*They both sit down on the blanket and having the candles to keep them warm*

Ezra: Hey, it might be late but we can still have a picnic.

Sabine: Under these stars, yes. Ezra how did you know?

Ezra: Know what?

Sabine: That this was the night I waited for. I always dreamed of it but I never thought it would be this amazing and beautiful or real.

Ezra: Sabine, for you anything is worth it. *Leans over and kisses her*

*Sabine blushes and smiles. They both have their picnic and then lay on the blanket cuddled up. They look at the sky together*

Sabine: I can't believe you would do all of this for me.

Ezra: Hey your amazing and of course I would do this for you. I love you.

Sabine: I love you too.

*Ezra kisses Sabine. Then they stay together and Sabine falls asleep. Ezra gets a back up blanket and covers himself and Sabine. They stay out there not remember they were outside. The sun comes up and they have no idea*

(UR, Completed) Sabine: A Powerful JediWhere stories live. Discover now