Mission and adoptions

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Ezra P.O.V
I wake up the next morning next to Sabine. She was so sad last night that I had to stay with her. I notice she's still asleep with a smile on her face. Next I see is the transponder. She didn't let it go the whole night? Still, I only woke up because I set an alarm. We had a mission but instead I turned of it off instead. I go back to sleep or tried until Kanan came through the door and yelled.

Kanan: Get up now. We're going to run late if you don't hurry!

*Sabine jumps up*

Sabine: We have a mission! I forgot. Let's go eat breakfast quick.

Ezra: I don't want to. I want us to stay here.

Kanan: Kid get up or I'll call Hera.

Ezra: Never mind. I'm up let's go.

*They all exit and go straight to the rec - room. Sabine takes the transponder with her.*

Hera: Good, your up. Eat up so that we can go.

Ezra: Sure.

Sabine: Got it.

*Hera notices the transponder*

Hera: Why do you have that.

Sabine: Oh if Ahsoka doesn't let me see my sis, at least I have this to remember her by.

Hera: I'm sorry Sabine but come on eat up and we will all talk later.

*They finish eating and head to the market*

Ezra: So what kind of mission is it this time?

Hera: Fuel. We need to steal the imperial shipment from the empirial complex. You and Kanan will dress up and go get it. Sabine will go for protection but no getting close to the sister.

Kanan: Sounds like a plan.

*Sabine's transponder goes off*

Sabine: Will you guys excuse me for a sec.? *Goes to behind a dumpster and answers* Yes?

Sauat: *through transponder* Hey can you sneak away today?

Sabine: No I'm on a mission. Sorry maybe later, it's still morning.

Sauat: Okay. Contact me when you can.

Sabine: Okay bye. *hangs up.* It will be nice being able to see her. *hears something coming from the other side of the dumpster* What's that? *she walks over and finds four kids eating bread and their all covered in dirt* Hey what are you kids doing here?

Oldest girl: We're eating. What does it look like.

Sabine: But are your parents at?

Oldest boy: We don't have parents. We survive on our own.

Sabine: Okay then. Do you need a home?

Youngest girl: We wish we had a home. It would makes us happy.

Sabine: Wait here okay. I'll be right back. *she runs to the others* Hey guys there are four orphan kids near the dumpster. They don't have parents and they need a place to live.

Kanan: Sabine we can't take them. We don't have enough room on the ghost.

Sabine: Please let them come, they can stay in my room if you want. I'll adopt them if I need to. Please!

Hera: They can stay. Take them to the ghost and we will get the shipment.

Sabine: Thanks Hera. *Runs to the kids* Hey, come with me. You get to stay at my home and I'll adopt you.

Youngest girl: Really? Are you sure?

Sabine: Yes come on. My friends will join us in a few minutes or an hour.

*Sabine and the four kids lead to the ship while the others get the shipment*

~Time skip~

Hera P.O.V
We made it out with the shipment and now we are in the ghost trying to put it away. I notice that Sabine was coming out with four children. They look dirty. They look too young and I hope we have enough room.

Sabine: Hey guys. Welcome back.

Hera: We got the shipment and now we have the rest of they off.

Kanan: You can go outside. The day is still young and we have at least 9 hours until lights out.

Ezra: Yes. Sabine, who are they?

Sabine: These are my kids. Meet Ruby, Steve, Wis and Glam. I was showing them around the ghost and brought them down when I sensed you coming. I also showed them their new rooms.

Hera: What do you mean new rooms?

Sabine: With my powers, I was able to make 2 extra rooms. One is on my side near my room and the other is next to Ezra and Zeb's cabin.

Kanan: Wow. You are taking this really seriously. That's impressive.

Sabine: Yeah come on kids. Let's go fix your rooms.

Kids: Yes Sabine.

*They followed Sabine and she decorated each room in there styles. Next she gave them new clothes and the four quickly ran out to the rec - room*

Hera: You gave them clothes. They look so nice. Come sit, don't be shy.

*Sabine sat next to Ezra and the kids sat down next to her*

Kanan: Tells us about yourselfs.

Ruby: Well I'm the oldest and we're all one year apart. I'm 10 and they are 9,8,and 7. Steve is the next oldest then Wis and then Glam. We're force sensitive and we were abandoned after the empire took our parents.

Steve: We have been living on the streets for at least a month. It's been hard but Sabine found us.

Glam: We are thankful for her taking us in.

Sabine: Yes. I'm happy I was able to help. It will be nice to have kids around.

Wis: Thank younSabine. Your so nice and we won't let you down.

Kanan: Wait, did you say your force sensitive?

Ruby: Yes, we are.

Hera: Kanan aren't they going to need training? Who will train them?

Sabine: We can train them. We can teach them how to shoot, fight, using the force. Ezra and I can train them on our days off.

Ezra: I agree. I want to be a jedi master.

Hera: Yeah but we would need to make a new schedule.

Ruby: Sorry to intrude but we're tired. Is it okay if we go to bed for today?

Sabine: Sure come on. Ezra you too, let's put them to bed.

Ezra: Okay. I take the boys you take the girls.

Sabine: Okay then. Let's go.

*Sabine and Ezra head out with the kids and they take them to their rooms.*

Sabine: Good night you four. You will need energy for tomorrow.

Glam: Okay. Bye mom.

*Sabine smiles, dims the lights and the kids fall asleep*

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