Truth,singing,new voices,and dances?

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Sabine P.O.V
I just admitted that my vision may have come true. Now they haven't said a word and I'm a little frightened. I wish someone would say something.

Ahsoka: Sabine what do you mean your vision because a reality?

Sabine: *says in a accent* I don't know. It happened when me and Ezra sneak out. When I was at the market, I saw the girl. I tried going after her but then I tripped.

Ezra: Is that why you were on the floor?

Kanan: And how did your voice change accent?

Sabine: *In her new accent* What do you mean by changed voice? And yes Ezra that's why you found me on the floor...wait why do I sound like this. What happened to me?

Ahsoka: Okay I think I know why her voice changed and now you definitely need to stay hidden.

Hera: How is it possible that her voice changed? Is it even possible?

Ahsoka: Yes Hera. Remember when that blast came out of Sabine's hand and Ezra said she had that magic?

Hera: Yeah. Wait are you saying that because of her magic, her voice is changing?

Sabine: *says in the new accent* No no. I don't want to sound like this forever.

Ahsoka: It's okay Sabine. You won't sound like that forever. You now have a powerful that allows you to change from voice to voice whenever you want. Think of it as advantage.

Ezra: Yey. Sabine has a new power. We can have even more fun with bucketheads.

Sabine: *changes back to normal voice* Really, so I can change my voice when I want?

Ahsoka: Yes you can. You will have to get it under control though because you will get more voice accents.

Sabine: Thank you for telling me that I don't have to sound like that forever. And seriously Ezra? Get bucketheads when I'm stuck in here.

Ezra: Don't worry. Kanan can dress up as one and you can bet him up.

Kanan: Kid I can hear you. And no I don't agree with doing that. Sabine is not the only one that would get me.

Hera: Don't worry Kanan. I won't let them do that. They don't have permission.

Ahsoka: I agree. I think that Sabine has proven herself. She can defend anyone now. She is now free to go back outside.

Sabine: *in a new accent* Really? Did you hear that Ez? I can go outside again.

Ezra: Sabine I'm so happy for you. No more sneaking around.

Sabine and Ezra: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey *They hug and kiss*

Kanan: Not again. Sabine you have a new voice.

Sabine: *her new voice* Not again. I do need to get it under control. *Suddenly starts singing a little song*

Hera: Sabine your singing! Why?

Ahsoka: Must be a new thing.

Ezra: Wow I've never heard Sabine sing. It's amazing!!!

Hera: No one has heard her sing. She doesn't sing.

Sabine: *coming back and no longer singing* Why are you all looking at me? Come on guys please stop starring at me!

Ahsoka: Why were you singing?

Sabine: What?! I never sing. You all know that.

*Ezra plays a recording of Sabine singing. Sabine is in shock at hearing herself sing*

Sabine: No way. I can't *singing* sing.

Ezra: Wow. That sounds amazing. How do you do that?

Sabine: *singing* I don't know but I think I kinda like it!

Kanan: Sabine please stop singing.

Hera: Let her. You heard her, she likes it.

Ahsoka: I agree Kanan. Let her, she has to unleash her happiness.

*Sabine sings a song and Hera starts dancing with Ahsoka following her lead. Ezra just starts recording and jumps into the dance. Kanan shakes his head and starts heading out but then gets pulled by Hera. Zeb goes in and starts laughing. He decides to record the whole thing*

Kanan: Hera let go.

Hera: No way. Come on and join in.

Ezra: Come on Kanan. What's the rush? Just join in.

Kanan: No I won't! Don't tell me what to do!

Ahsoka: Come on Kanan just listen to them.

*Kanan starts thinking and then he's dancing with Hera. The others stare at them them chopper starts shining lights. Sabine keeps singing and then joins the dance holding hands with Ezra. They all don't stop until it late at night*

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