Meeting the sister and good byes

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Ezra P.O.V
Sabine came up with a crazy plan to sneak her sister on to the ship. I love her but she has finally lost her mind. I will help only because she scares me a bit. I hope that Ahsoka is not there because she will get so mad.

Hera P.O.V
So the kids went to the tower with the children. They are planning something, I know it. They act weirder than usual now. I know I should probably tell Ahsoka. It may be because of the twin thing and Sabine may be losing her mind over not being able to see her. I would let her bring her to the ship if she could but she can't. Ahsoka always comes to check on Sabine and that doesn't help. Now we just have to see what happens.

*Sabine and the others get to the ship. They see Ahsoka go in and hide under the ramp. She goes in and they stay outside*

Ezra: Great. Ahsoka is here again. What now?

Sauat: I should go back. This is a bad...

Sabine: NO! They will accept you. They can't keeps apart now. Plus we're already here and I'm not giving up now. Not without a fight.

*They go into the rec - room. Everyone was talking until they see Sauat with them. Ahsoka just stands there with a grin*

Hera: Your back late.

Zeb: And they have a friend.

Kanan: Who is she?

Ezra: Before we tell you, please remember that it was Sabine's idea and don't get mad.

Hera: Promise we won't.

Sabine: Okay?! Guys, this is Sauat, my sister.

Kanan: Your what?

Sauat: Hello. It's nice to meet you all. Sabine and Ezra have told me about you.

Ahsoka: *with a grin* Why Sabine? Why would you disobeye me?

Sabine: I didn't. I just wanted her to meet you guys.

Kanan: Sabine you know you weren't supposed to.

Sabine: I know. I just wanted to see if we could convince you.

Glam: It's true.

Ruby: We meet Sauat today and she's a nice person.

Ahsoka: You four knew?

Steve: Yes we did and we helped.

Ahsoka: You are all in trouble.

Ezra: What?

Sabine: No! If anyone should be in trouble it's me. I did this not them.

Sauat: No. It was a bad idea to sneak out. I should just go. It was nice meeting you guys. Sorry for the problems. *leaves*

Sabine: Sauat wait don't leave. *leaves*

Ahsoka: Sabine get back here. *exits*

Kanan: I'll go get them.

Ezra: No I will.

Hera: We all will.

*They all go outside*

~Outside of the ghost~

Sabine: Sauat wait. Please don't go.

Sauat: I have to. I told you this was a bad idea.

Sabine: Who cares. Come on. You can join us and nothing bad will happen.

Sauat: It doesn't matter. I told you they won't accept me anyway so I'm out.

Ahsoka: I agree. You don't belong here. You below with evil.

Sauat: And what? Your going to make me leave? You ate the one that came to me you just don't want to admit it. Plus I know he misses you and that's why went to me.

Ahsoka: You don't know anything. He's gone and I known that. We all know that.

Sauat: He's not gone. He's alive and he's still waiting for his padawan to come back. Anakin Skywalker is alive and the only person that says he's gone is you.

Ahsoka: Just leave now. You will never join this rebellion.

Sabine: Ahsoka, how dare you?

Sauat: It's fine. I never wanted to join anyway. Sorry Sabine, your plan didn't work. Goodbye. *Runs away from the ghost*

Sabine: *Yelling* No. Sauat. Sauat wait. *Sauat keeps running and the Sabine looks at Ahsoka with her green eyes* See what you just did? I hate you. You are the worst master ever. *She runs towards the tower in tears*

Ezra: I'll go talk to her.

Hera: No. Let her take a moment. She has never experienced this before. She needs some time alone.

Kanan: Agreed. Let her come back when she's ready.

Ezra: Guys? Why are you so blurry? *faints and falls on the floor*

Kanan: Ezra? Kid wake up. Wake up.

Hera: Kanan get him to the med.bay.

Kanan: You got it. Let's hope he's okay.
Hera: Let's go inside. Ahsoka are you coming?

Ahsoka: Yes. I'm just so disappointed in Sabine.

*She heads inside after the others. She sees Sabine going to the tower and Sauat going to the town*

Ahsoka: If you only understood, both of you.

*The ramp closes and she heads to the med.bay*

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