Finding the twin part 1

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??? P.O.V
I need to tell my master about my discovery. I never tell everything. What can you say, I'm evil. I just hope he's pleased, he never is.

*Walks to a meeting room. There's no one else there but the seventh sister*

???: Seventh sister? What are you doing here? Do we have a mission?

Inquisitor: No, I was waiting for you. Vader told me to tell you that he can't be your master anymore.

???: Why?

Inquisitor: He's a little busy. He said that I'm your new master.

???: Great. I needed a master that actually focuses on my training and jedi hunting at the same time.

Inquisitor: Yes, I will help you, don't worry. Now if you excuse me I need to go. I'm going on a mission with the fifth brother again, but I will be back to train you in a few days. *Exits out*

??? P.O.V
I leave but then I feel something in the force. I must go outside right away. She's coming. I finally got what I wanted. She's coming closer by the minute. If she wants to talk, she has to hurry. The doors of the academy shut in any minute. This is going to be great. *says with an evil smile on the face*

Sabine P.O.V
I'm closer to the academy. I hope the girl I saw is there. I'm worried if I get caught. The crew doesn't know where I am I just left without warning but I just have to see my twin that they say i have, even if it puts me in danger.

*She runs until she sees the door to the academy. She hides from the light and heads inside. Soon she sees the girl and tries to signal her. The girl doesn't notice and the doors start to close. Then the troops head inside the Imperial HQ. The girl follows but then stops and closes the door sending the troopers away. Sabine comes out and the girl turns around. Sabine notices that the girl is wearing a black cape with hood.*

Sabine: Who are you?

???: You don't know me? That's weird. I know about you but you know nothing about me. *says sarcastically*

Sabine: *says angrily* Just answer the question. Who are you?

???: I'm the one you came to talk too. I know you were coming.

Sabine: How? Who are you?

???: Sabine, the force is tong within the both is us. You should know me. Your master has been talking about me ever since I hurt you on that mission.

Sabine: Wait are you?...

???: Yes Sabine. You have finally found me. *takes of her hood and is revealed* I'm your twin.

*Sabine gasped and is in shock on hearing what she just heard*

Trooper: *says through speakers* Lights will be going out soon. Everyone head back your own rooms now.

Twin: Come on. I must hide you.

*Sabine looks at the girl with an angry smirk*

Twin: Trust me. I want to protect you too. Just trust me. *Puts her hand out*

Sabine: Fine but if I end up in a cell, your dead. *Takes the hand*

Twin: Sounds like a plan.

*The girl opens the door and they run through the hallways trying not to get caught*

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