Talking and new friends

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Sabine P.O.V
So I invited Sauat to Ezra's tower and now we are talking about her. She has an awesome life. I wish I was like her. I have an idea on taking her to the ghost so she can meet everyone. It's going to be great.

Sauat: It's actually nice to see another place that is not empirial.

Ezra: You haven't seen anything else?

Sauat: No. I only sneak out and look at the city but I never see your tower since it's always dark.

Sabine: Speaking of dark, how long have you been with the empire?

Sauat: For as long as I can remember. I actually know a lot you know. I know about technology, paint, music, magi, power of the sith. I know that the empire thinks that they are the good ones and that the rebels are bad. I know that I have a sister and she didn't know about me.

Sabine: Wasn't it horrible? Did you ever wonder if you were in the right side?

Sauat: No. I didn't know anything. I just knew that I needed to destroy the Jedi and take over the galaxy with the sith.

Ezra: Wait like you were going to turn on the good?

Sauat: Not exactly. I just thought that until I found out about Sabine a few years ago.

Sabine: Who told you about me?

Sauat: She said she was a jedi that left and was no longer a jedi nor sith. She didn't give me her exact name she just said she would training you when she found you.

Ezra: Wait that sounds like Ahsoka. Why would she tell you to stay away. She would only say that unless she knew how Sauat was.

Sauat: Is it possible that your master was the one who meet me?

Sabine: If it was, she's in trouble. *gets angry* I don't know why they wouldn't let me see you. That gets me so mad especially if she already knows you. *eyes change to green*

Ezra: Wow. Calm down.

Sauat: I agree. You don't want to turn to the dark. Plus everytime you get angry your eyes will turn green just like you have then right now. When you calm down, they will turn back to normal.

Sabine: How do you know so much about this?

Sauat: Well I was taught by the empire and they told me about my magic. Since they gave me a place to practice, I soon found out what happened when you got mad, too happy, side effects, changes, and power of course.

Ezra: Wait Sabine, didn't you say you wanted someone to teach you about your new power?

Sabine: Yeah. Wait your doing that face you do when you have a crazy idea, a bad one that gets us in trouble.

Ezra: Sauat can teach you. She has experience and you have learned a lot in just a few weeks. You would be able to practice and then you...

Sabine: Wait. Ezra I can get in trouble with Ahsoka and if I go to the complex I can get captured.

Sauat: Not if you discuise your self.

Sabine: I don't know how to do that.

Sauat: Can't we practice somewhere else?

Sabine: I don't know any other place but here and the ghost.

Ezra: Then practice here. I'll give you the code and you would only need to sneak away.

Sauat: Perfect. I can sneak away now that the inquisitors are gone. No missions for me either.

Sabine: I don't know guys. What if...

Ezra: What if what? You need to learn because if you get captured by the sith, you will be able to escape. Sauat would be a good teacher.

Sauat: Good? I'm the best worker with magic for now. Who do you think you are?

Sabine: Okay no fighting. I will work with Sauat and Ezra will help me out when you have time.

Sauat: I'll help when your boyfriend apologizes! *in an angry voice*

Ezra: Wow. She's smart if she knows that and she wasn't kidding about the green eyes. Look at her, she looks like a snake with those. *laughing*

Sauat: You little brat. I will take you down.

Ezra: Prove it.

Sauat: Loved to.

Sabine: I had enough of you two. I'm going back home. Let's go Ez. Sauat, I'll keep in contact.

Ezra: No. I'm not leaving until I bet Sauat.

Sabine: Don't make me get Kanan.

Ezra: No don't get him. You heard about what he can do. He'll make me get up early.

Sabine: Than I suggest we get going.

Ezra: Fine. *looks at Sauat* We'll finish this another day.

Sauat: *goes to the door* Fine by me. I have all the time in the world.

*Sauat leaves and then Sabine and Ezra go back to the ghost.*

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