A new life

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Sabine P.O.V
I can't believe it. I knew something was wrong before I found out I was a jedi. We had to sleep late at night because the others say I couldn't stop singing. I didn't go to sleep right away. I stayed up and wrote on my journal.

Diary day 3
I can't believe I can sing and change my voice. Have to admit, I like this magic jedi thing. I love to fight and now I love to sing. I hope more things happen. I also had a good day. Ezra took me out on our first date even if it was in the middle of the night. It was amazing just looking at the stars while being there. We must have fallen asleep because we both woke up outside. Then when we were inside, my voice changed twice and then I started singing. The danced and then we didn't go to sleep till late at night. Well now I'm going to sleep. Bye.

~The next day~

*Everyone was already up eating breakfast but Sabine wasn't up yet. Ahsoka comes in*

Ahsoka: Hey everyone. Where's Sabine?

Hera: We don't know. I think she's still sleeping.

Kanan: What? She never wakes up late.

Zeb: Well we didn't go to sleep until like 12 a.m. She might be tired.

Hera: Don't know. Hey Ezra, can you go check on her?

Ezra: Sure.

*Ezra leaves. He opens the door to Sabine's cabin and sees her painting and singing with music playing. She was also wearing a pink leather jacket, boots, and leggings. She wasn't wearing her Mandolorian armor anymore*

Sabine: *singing* La la la la la, la la la la la, da da. La la la la la, oh oh oh.

*Ezra interrupts her*

Ezra: Sabine.

Sabine: Ohh hey Ez. What's up?

Ezra: Nothing. What are you doing?

Sabine: I was just painting things from yesterday. For example our first date and the dancing from yesterday.

*Ezra looks at the wall and sees the paintings*

Ezra: That looks cool. And question. What are you wearing? Where's your armor?

Sabine: I put it away. Now I'm wearing this because of my new life. You like it?

Ezra: I like it but where did you get it?

Sabine: With my magic. See I can even paint my hair without touching the air guns. *Paints her hair light purple with light blue*

Ezra: Wow. That's cool but we have to go. Everyone is waiting.

*They leave and go to the others. The crew looks at the new Sabine*

Hera: Sabine what happened to you?

Kanan: And why did you wake up late?

Sabine: I was up already. I was painting. Now I'm hungry, where's the food.

Zeb: You woke up late. You didn't get anything.

Sabine: Fine. *zaps the table with her hand and a plate of food appears*

Ezra: How do you keep doing that?

Sabine: Don't know. I just put my hand out and I can make things happen.

Ahsoka: Looks like someone just discovered something new.

Sabine: Yep. Now, I know that I'm suspended from training but how am I suppose to get this under control if I have no one to teach me?

Ahsoka: Don't know but you look like a new person.

Sabine: Yeah I guess I do. I just want to help everyone and try to solve everything with no violence.

Hera: Sabine are you Mandolorian or a Jedi?

Sabine: What do you mean?

Hera: You said no violence. No way you would think that.

Sabine: All Mandolorian but now learning in the ways of the Jedi.

Ezra: Sabine are you okay?

Sabine: Yeah. Come on. Let's go mess with the bucketheads. *Runs away*

Ezra: She's back and I'm in. *Yells* Hey wait up.

*Ahsoka looks worried*

Kanan: Ahsoka is everything alright?

Ahsoka: No. We need to Sabine back to her old self.

Hera: Why? Isn't she suppose to act like this?

Ahsoka: No. She's becoming a new person and the dark side may try to control her. They know and the twin does too.

*They all look worried and Ahsoka leaves the rec.room*

(UR, Completed) Sabine: A Powerful JediWhere stories live. Discover now