The Legend

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Ahsoka P.O.V

The rebels were happy for a time. We took care of Sabine for days and now she was free to go anywhere. Now we're all together in the rec. room. I told everyone that we were planning a mission but that was not the case. Kanan, Hera and I had to talk to Sabine but everyone had to be there.

Zeb: So what is so important.

Chopper: Blah Blaw.

Ezra: Chopper be quiet and listen. And they say I'm the lothrat.

Hera: Hey don't talk like that Ezra.

Kanan: Why? I agree. Chopper is a pain.

Sabine: Can we please just talk about this crazy meeting you guys set up. I want to paint.

Ezra: Can I help?

Sabine: Stop flirting kid.

Ezra: I just want to help. I never flirt.

Zeb: Are you sure kid. Your blushing a bit.

Ezra: *says in a kiddie voice* Am not.

Sabine: Zeb is right. *pauses* Fine you can help but if you try to flirt I will never let you help again. Understand kid?

Ezra: *In a surprised voice* Yes ma'am I mean Sabine. *trying not to blush*

Ahsoka: Okay now we got a situation here. Ever since Sabine got hurt we haven't actually told her what's going on.

Sabine: Let me guess. Your going to tell me that I'm in danger.

Hera: Sabine listen first then ask questions.

Sabine: Fine.

Kanan: I didn't actually know a lot from this jedi I just know that he or she has more power than any of us except that there's two not one. Ahsoka would you tell the story.

Ahsoka: Sure. The story begins that in a dark time when danger is everywhere, these jedi would rise. They would fight for freedom with a fleet, crew, more jedi, and their family.

Sabine: Well we do have a fleet. I have a new family and a crew and Kanan and Ezra are both jedi. But there's two.

Kanan: Yes there's two. The powerful jedi will rise but there's two powerful jedi. A boy and a girl.

Ahsoka: They would both rise to take down the dark or join the dark. The boy would be powerful too but the girl would have more power. Then the girl would have an evil twin that she never knew existed. Both jedi will bring the twin to the light and they will soon fight together. Then the two jedi will fall in love and create a new jedi order with new rules. They will both rule the galaxy will the rebels that fought for good and will destroy evil forever.

Sabine: *In a joking voice* So if it's me, I will be powerful, have an evil twin, fall in love with a stranger and will rule the galaxy with him and with you guys??!!

Hera: I guess that after that story I might think it's not Sabine. She has no twin and .....

Kanan: Let me stop you there. Remember that the Jedi wouldn't know anything about the twin. Ahsoka, did you leave anything out?

Ahsoka: Yes and know I think it might be her.

Sabine: Why?

Ahsoka: Because the Jedi will get hurt during a mission by a dark figure. And the mission was about getting explosives.

Zeb: But that's what happened to her.

Hera: It can't be. I mean all that did happen but it's impossible, isn't it.

Kanan: No Hera. This is real now.

Sabine: Guys I'm feeling dizzy.

Ezra: You okay Sabine?

Sabine: No.*says in a low fainting voice before she passes out in Ezra's arms*

Ezra: Sabine wake up. What's going on?

Ahsoka: Get her to the med. bay, NOW! She may be in danger.

Ezra: I'll take her. Come on guys. I don't want to lose her. HURRY!

*They all hurry to the med. bay right behind Ezra*

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