Finding the twin part 2

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Ezra P.O.V
When I get to the academy, the doors are closed so I try to head to the roof. I was able to get in but now how do I find Sabine? I need to find her without getting caught.

Sabine P.O.V
My said so twin leads me out to her room. It actually looks nice. It looks bigger than all 4 cabins combined. It's painted just like mine and it has a large bed with huge amounts of different paints and lots of... instruments? I haven't seen one but she has a lot and large place to call home.

Sabine: Wow. This is a huge room.

Twin: I know. I don't even want it. They only gave it to me because I'm special. You know that I'm the twin of the powerful jedi and they are treating me like a princess. I hate all of this, I want to earn everything on my own.

Sabine: Lucky. I would like to have a room like this. You have a lot of paint and a large bed. This place is colorful and...

Twin: It's only colorful because I do it in secret. But hey what the empire doesn't know wont hurt it, will it? Look, they even gave me a small place to practice my magic.

Sabine: You have magic too?

Twin: Yeah. I'm also powerful but not as powerful as you of course. Hey do you sing? Come on let's sing a song.

Sabine: Sorry. I do sing but I don't want to right now.

Twin: That's fine. Here let's go to one of my favorite places in the whole academy.

*She leads Sabine out and around the halls. They take a long time but they get to the roof.*

Ezra P.O.V
As look around every hallway, I notice Sabine walking with another girl. Who is she and where are they headed? I follow them and I see that they go to the roof. I follow but stay in silence.

Sabine P.O.V
My twin takes me to the roof. She seems nice I just don't know why she is with the empire. She has a nice home, they treat her fairly and has what she wants but the problem is that she doesn't want any of it. She is like me...well a little.

Twin: See. This is freedom. I can see everyone and everything. The stars and the moons. The people walking freely anytime they want.

Sabine: Don't you ever go outside?

Twin: No. The empire is trying to protect me to much. That time I went to see you, I sneak out of my ship.

Sabine: Really? That's what I did too. That day I snuck out with...

Twin: Ezra?

Sabine: Yeah! It was fun and we didn't get in trouble.

Twin: Nice now that's evil.

Sabine: Hey what's your name by the way?

Twin: My name is Sauat but they call me Sue.

Sabine: That's a cool name. Hey but not as cool as Sabine.

*They both laugh.*

Sauat: So why are you here?

Sabine: I wanted to tell you to not control me.

Sauat: I didn't mean too. I only did it because I need to talk to you over here. I knew you would come looking for me.

Sabine: So this was just a plan?

Sauat: Yep. To teach you who you really are.

Sabine: Have to admit, nice plan.

*Ezra starts calling for Sabine from the other side of the roof*

Ezra: Sabine? Sabine where are you?

Sabine: Ohh no. There looking for me.

Ezra: *comes out of the dark* That's were your wrong. Only I am.

Sabine: Ezra what are you doing here?

Ezra: Looking for you. Now let's go home.

Sabine: No. We may be together but you can't tell me what to do? I'm not going anywhere.

Sauat: It's fine. I need to head inside too. I don't want them looking for me.

Sabine: Fine then. Bye.

Sauat: Bye. I hope you can come here again. Here. *gives something to Sabine and she looks at it* It's an advanced comm link. Since I'm good with technology, I was able to make some so that we could talk to each other. The empire doesn't even know about them.

Sabine: Thanks. It looks awesome. *the two girls hug*

Ezra: Hey, not trying to break this up but Sabine we need to go.

Sabine: Okay then. Bye Sauat. I'll see you soon.

Sauat: Bye sis.

*Sabine and Ezra go down from the roof and head into the streets*

Ezra: Hey, I'm happy you found your twin but Kanan is also looking for you. If he sees us just say... *us cut off*

Kanan: There you are. Are you okay?

Sabine: Yes we're fine.

Kanan: Where did you go?

Sabine: I was heading to the academy but the doors were closed. I didn't find her.

Kanan: I'm sorry. Come let's go home and we can talk there.

*They head back home and Sauat watched from the roof*

Sauat: *in a sad tone and in a low voice* Bye sis. I hope too see you soon. *looks at the comm link and heads back inside*

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