The vision

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Sabine P.O.V
I can't believe I actually have a boyfriend now. Ezra decided to sleep on the couch and no one has checked on us. I wake up and he's still sleeping. I look at him for a while and he looks cute sleeping. I decide to go back to sleep. It's 3 a.m. and I woke up because I think I was a nightmare but Ezra didn't seem to notice. Since I can't sleep i sing a small song and lay down and close my eyes.

Ezra P.O.V
I wake up in the couch inside the med. bay. I thought I was just dreaming about it but I guess it was real. Sabine was still sleeping and I have to admit, she looks like an angel when she's sleeping. She suddenly starts moving around and I get up trying to wake her up.

Sabine P.O.V
I think I'm having a nightmare. I can't wake up no matter how much I try.

*in dream*

I walk and walk until I'm stopped by a girl that has hot pink and purple hair. Her hair short like mine and she looks just like me but dressed in black and gray. Her brown eyes look straight into mine.

Girl: You better hide. My master will find you.

Sabine: Who are you? Let go of me.

Girl: You don't know me but trust me, I know you. You better hide before we find you again.

Sabine: Why would I listen to you? I don't know you and you can't tell me what to do.

Girl: Good luck hiding. You better do what I say unless you don't want to protect your friends and your boyfriend.

Sabine: How do you know about my family and how do you know I have a boyfriend?

*Girl looks around and runs away*

Sabine: Hey wait. *Runs after girl and trips on a rick. She gets back up.*

Person: Sabine. Sabine. Sabine.

Sabine: What's going on?

*Sabine wakes up*

Ezra: *Shaking Sabine* Sabine Sabine get up.

Sabine: What happened? What's going on?

Ezra: It looked like you were having a nightmare so I decided to wake you up she you started turning over and over. I did my best but you couldn't wake up right away.

*Ezra holding Sabine's hand*

Sabine: Thank you Ezra. I tried waking up too but could like if I was having a dream with no end like something from the future. But thanks, your the best boyfriend ever.

Ezra: Did you just call me that?

Sabine: What? Boyfriend? Yes I did. Your my boyfriend aren't you?

Ezra: Yes I just didn't think you would call me that. It actually surprised me. Now did you say you were having something that looked like the future?

Sabine: Yeah but I'm not sure.

*The crew walks in with food and things for Sabine and Ezra*

Hera: Hey you too. We brought you these things so that you don't get bored.

Sabine: Thanks Hera. I actually want to thank you all for taking care of me.

Kanan: Any time Sabine.

*It gets silent*

Ezra: Hey Kanan, Ahsoka can I talk to you guys outside.

Ahsoka: Sure.

Ezra: Hera can you take care of Sabine?

Sabine: Ezra, I can take care for my self. Don't worry.

Hera: Go ahead Ezra. We got her.

Ezra: Thanks Hera and sorry Sabine.

Sabine: It's fine Ezra. Thanks though.

*They smile and look at each other*

Kanan: Okay kid, come on.

*Pulls Ezra outside*

Kanan: Okay kid. What's on your mind?

Ezra: I talked to Sabine and you two may want to do that also.

Ahsoka: Why? Did something happen to her?

Ezra: Not exactly. I think she had a vision.

Kanan: What? Are you sure?

Ezra: Yes. She said she saw something and tried waking up but couldn't. I think she's a jedi.

*Kanan and Ahsoka look at each other surprised in what Ezra just told them*

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