Revealing the Twin

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Kanan P.O.V
Sabine, Ezra and I walked back to the ghost. As we walked I noticed that Sabine was happy and was holding some sort of metal thing. It was like a golden metal that looked like a flame. I told her that she needs to talk to us when we get back.

*The three head to the rec - room and find the others talking*

Hera: Good thing you guys are safe. Sabine, where did you go?

Sabine: I went to the empirial complex. It was to late anyway because the doors were already closed.

Ahsoka: Sorry Sabine, but I don't believe you.

Sabine: Why?

Ahsoka: Because you have that. *points to the transponder*

Sabine: That is just something I found. No worry.

Kanan: Sabine just tell us the truth. We won't get mad.

Sabine: Fine. I did meet my twin and she's really nice. She has a room larger that our four cabins combined. She has instruments and lots of different types of paint. She also has magic and has a room to practice.

Ezra: That sounds cool!

Sabine: It is. *shows a hologram of the room* She is amazing and her name is Sauat but they call her Sue. She like fighting and is good with technology, she even gave me this special one for me and she has the other one so that we keep in touch.

Hera: That's nice Sabine. She sounds like you.

Sabine: She is. She loves to paint and break rules. She paints her room without the empire finding out. She snuck out the same day as I did and she loves to look at the stars. She goes outside because they don't let her. She looks at how the people walk in the streets and how free they are. She even said that even is the empire treats her like a princess, she wants to earn things by herself.

Ezra: She sounds nice and not evil. Are you sure she was your twin?

Ahsoka: Even if it was, you may never see her again.

Sabine: Why?

Ahsoka: She's evil and and works for the empire. Who knows what she may be planning.

Sabine: Ahsoka you have no proof to say that. That's my sister and I will see her again.

Ahsoka: No. No one may keep in contact with that girl. She's a threat.

Sabine: Ahsoka please?

Ahsoka: No. This talk is over.

*Sabine starts tearing up and runs out.*

Ezra: Sabine wait. *Runs out after her*

Hera: What's wrong with not seeing her sister?

Ahsoka: It's just that the twin is controlling Sabine. We can't let Sabine get to close because she can turn on us.

Hera: She would never do that. She's nice and just wants to spend time with the girl.

Kanan: I agree. She has to see her, Sabine may even get some secrets out of her.

Ahsoka: No it's not safe for Sabine until she discovers all her abilities. She can see her later, plus we don't know if she's really the twin or if she is what Sabine says she is. She has no permission to see the twin.

Hera: Fine. Guess she won't be seeing her sister for some time. Now everyone let's go to bed. We have a mission tomorrow and we must be up in the morning.

Kanan: Fine. I guess Ezra will talk to Sabine then.

*They all head to their rooms and Ahsoka leaves the ship. As Kanan goes to his cabin, he stops and knocks on Sabine's door*

Kanan: Sabine are you okay?

Sabine: *says in a sad voice* I'm fine. Ezra is here talking to me and is going to keep me company during the night.

Kanan: Okay then. Goodnight you two.

Sabine and Ezra: Goodnight Kanan.

*Kanan walks to his room*

~Back in Sabine's room~

Sabine: *says in a sad tone* Do you think I'll be able to see her again?

Ezra: I'm sure you will. Let's just the others some time. Now you should go to sleep, we have a mission tomorrow you know.

Sabine: Fine. But will you stay here?

Ezra: Sure. I'll take care of you so if you start crying again, I'll be here.

*Ezra puts his arm around Sabine and Sabine puts her head on his shoulder*

Sabine: Ezra, thank you for being here for me and believing in me when no one else does.

Ezra: Any time Sabine. You know that I care for you. I never want to see you upset so I'll make you happy everyday until the end.

Sabine: Thank you Ez. I'm so grateful for having you around.

*They get ready to sleep but Ezra notices that Sabine is still holding on to her sister's transponder. He tries taking of her hand but Sabine doesn't let go.*

Ezra: Aren't you going to put that down?

Sabine: No. If I can't see my sister, that I will hold on to this for now.

*They both smile at each other and fall asleep. Sabine says in a low voice*

Sabine: Goodnight sis.

*Sabine hears a voice through the force*

Sauat: Goodnight to you too.

*And just like that, Sabine fell asleep happy for the rest of the night*

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