Problems and schedules

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Ezra P.O.V
Sabine has changed a lot. I didn't think I would ever be with her but now I didn't know. That is not the girl I know. Everytime I'm with her, she's herself but on the ship she's different. I want the old her back. I'm going to see what's wrong with her.

*Ezra enters the and finds Ahsoka, Hera, and Kanan talking*

Ezra: Hey guys. What's going on?

Hera: We are discussing how to work on your training and when to go on missions.

Kanan: Until now, Ahsoka thinks that's it's better to take turns training.

Ahsoka: I also decided that we will cancel training if there's a mission.

Ezra: That's good plan. By the way have you seen Sabine? I wanted to take her to the tower.

Hera: I think she went to the roof. She looked like if she was going to work on something.

Ezra: Thanks. Bye. *Exits the*

*Ezra heads to the top and finds Sabine meditating. He joins her and Sabine stops*

Sabine: What are you doing up here?

Ezra: Joining you. Why? Are you okay?

Sabine: No. Someone is looking for me. Come on, we need to go. *Runs away and down the ladder. Ezra goes after her*

Ezra: Sabine wait. What's wrong?

Sabine: No. I need to talk to Ahsoka.

*Ezra keeps running after Sabine. When he gets to the, he finds Hera hugging Sabine*

Ezra: What's going on?

Kanan: Sabine said that she thinks someone is spying on her.

Hera: She also said she had a vision where you break up with her.

Ezra: What? Why would I ever do that? I love her.

Sabine: In the vision, you told me that you were done because I was changing and I wasn't the same girl you fell in love with.*sits down and starts crying*

Ezra: Sabine, I would never hurt you. You may change but I will be with you always. *hugs Sabine and the kisses her*

Sabine: Thank you Ezra. I would never hurt you either. *Puts her head on Ezra's shoulder*

Ahsoka: Good thing you guys got this sorted out. Now that we have a schedule for training and missions, you should know when to be together and when not to.

Ezra: Wait. Sabine did you say someone may be spying on us?

Sabine: Yeah. I feel it every time we hang out.

Ezra: Everytime we're together, I feel like someone is following us and has pure darkness within.

Kanan: Darkness? Like a sith or inquisitor?

Ezra: Yeah. I don't know who or what it is but it wants to get in our way.

Ahsoka: The empire is looking already. Sabine is being controlled by the twin. That's why she's changing so fast. She has to go on her own pace to developing her power but the twin must have a plan.

Sabine: Please help me. I don't want to be controlled. *Her eyes turn blue*

Ezra: What the? Sabine you have blue eyes.

Sabine: What are you talking about? I have brown eyes not blue.

Kanan: Get her to my cabin. I need her to meditate and then we can see what's wrong.

Ahsoka: This can't be possible unless you discovered a new ability.

Sabine: *yells* You know what, I'M DONE. I need to go talk to this twin. I can't be controlled and I want her to leave me alone.

Hera: *in a warning voice* You are not going anywhere. You have no permission plus the door is looked and it's late.

Sabine: *angry voice* You can't stop me. I'm going.

Ezra: If you go, I go.

Sabine: NO! I'm going alone.

*Puts her hand up and a light flashes. She is no longer there and everyone looks all over the ship. They all meet up again*

Hera: I don't get it. She couldn't have just disappeared. Where could she be?

Kanan: Hera, she's strong and makes the impossible happened. For what we know she can be anywhere on Lothal.

Ezra: She did say she saw a girl identical to her. Wearing black and gray at the black market.

*They all start to think*

The whole crew: THE EMPIREAl COMPLEX!

Ahsoka: She must have gone to the empirial complex because twin must be there with her master.

Hera: Let's go. I will get the ship flying.

Ezra: NO! I will go get her. I'm not going to put you all in danger. *heads out of the ship*

Kanan: I'll go too. Hera stay here, they won't be able to face the emperials and Sith's alone.

Hera: Ahsoka are you going?

Ahsoka: No. I can't. I would if I could but if the sith is there, we're all gone.

Kanan: Why?

Ahsoka: I can't talk about it. I have forgotten about it, it's in the past. Don't worry about it.

*Ahsoka sits down and Kanan leaves the ship*

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