Chapter 1

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I was at my locker after school when the call came. The call that changed my life forever.

'Hey darling, I hope your good tonight.

And i know you dont feel right when i leave.

Yea I want it, but no i dont need it,

Tell me something sweet to get me by...'

(A/N: A Day To Remember- If It Means Alot To You.)


"Hi. Is this Logan Hawley?" the person asked.

"Yes, who is this?" I asked.

"This is Doctor Philips. I have your test results."

"Well." I asked closing my locker and leaning against it.

"It seems you have Leukemia. Its a cancer of the blood-"

"I know what it is." I cut her off. "How far am I?" 

  "Pretty far. It looks like you had this for years. Im afraid it's to late for chemotherapy and other medications." she said.

"How long do i have?" I asked afraid to know the answer.

"2 years."

- 6 months later- 

The sound of the alarm  filled my room waking me up from my sleep. Its  been 6 months since i found out about the cancer. I still go to school which sucks since I have no friends not counting my sister Isabel who's a grade after me. Before I found out about the cancer I had wished i had friends and a boyfriend, but now im glad cause its less people to miss when I die. I know that sounds odd, but it not so much as me missing them. I just don't want people to grieve over me.

Im a senior at Annandale High School (A/N: real school, i used to live there). Home of the Annandale Atoms. What a sucky mascot. I honestly hate the school. The teachers are awful and so are the people. Especially Sebastian Garcia, the school player.

Ever since I moved here he has made it his personal mission to make my life a living hell. I thought he would move on when  time went on but it has been 6 years and im still harrased by him. Usually I ignore him but it honestly is really hard.

I look over at the clock and realize I've been laying here for ten minutes just thinking about school. How pathetic. I get up and go to my closet. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey v-neck long sleeve shirt and put them on.I wear long sleeves and pants because the cancer causes me to bruise easily. Then i grab my grey high tops and slip them on before going to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and look at the mirror. My long shiny black hair  falls to mid back in waves. It's very pretty and easy to hind behind. My once healthy olive skin has gone slightly pale, but still looks pretty healthy. My pink lips are nice and full. My nose is small but not too small and my eyes are a startling hazel. 

I add some eyeliner to make my eyes pop out more. Then i brush my teeth before heading down to the kitchen. My mom is there with my little sister and baby brother eating breakfast. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and take a bite.

" You need to eat more than that." my mom says eyeing the apple in my hand.

" I'm not that hungry." I said taking another bite.

" How you feeling sissy?" my baby brother Daniel asks.

" I'm okay just a little tired." I said.

" Okay. Guess what!" he said bouncing up and down in his seat.

"What?" I asked even though I know the answer.

" My birffday is tommorow! Ima be fours years old." he said.

I smiled at him " Wow your gonna be so big." I said finishing my apple.

" Yea!" he jumped off his chair and skipped out of the room humming the SpongeBob Sqaurepants theme song.

I turned to Isabel." You ready to go?" I asked.

" Yup" she said popping the 'p'.

When we got to the school we went our seperate ways. I got to my locker and began taking out my books for my first class.

" Hey, Haw-ley." came a voice from behind me.

I sighed and closed my locker. I turned around to come face to face with a smirking Sebastian.

" What do you want?" I asked as I started towards our class.

" I just wanted to talk to you." he said faking innocence. He swung his arm on my sholder and I shrugged it off.

I snorted an unattractive snort. " Seriously what do you want?"

" Nothing." When we got to the classroom he knocked my stuff out of my hands and smirked at me. " Whoops."

I let out a deep breath I held in  to prevent me from yelling at him. I bent down to pick up my things off the floor. Just another day at Annandale.


I walking home from school with three new bruises on my body all from constantly getting tripped or shoved into a locker by Sebastian and his friends. I'm lucky I don't have to do gym or my cancer would be pretty obvious. I left my car with Isabel since she has cheer today.

I was half way home when a car honks behind me. A shiny mustang pulls up beside me. I don't even need the person to roll down the window  to know it was Sebastian.

" Whatch'ya doin?" he asked.

" What does it look like?" I asked.

" It looks like your standing on a corner waiting to be picked up. Not that I see who would pick you up." he said.

" Can't you just leave me alone." I said.

" Give me one good reason."

" Because your a nice person?" I said starting to get pissed off.

" Ha! Yea right. Thats not a reason." he said smirking.

" You want a reason?" I asked. He nodded. "How about that I have cancer?!" I yelled. "Is that good enough?" he opened his mouth to answer but I cut him off. "Of course its not! Heres another one. I have til the end of the summer to live. How was that?!" I exploded. By now we were infront of my house. I ran up the driveway and into the house.

I slammed the door shut and ran to my room and laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Only one thing came to mind. What have I done. 


This is my first story so  it might not be that good. Listen to the song its awesome. The next chapter will be up in a day or two and in Sebastians pov. Comment Vote Fan Share with your friends.

xoxo Sammy.

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