Chapter 9

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Finally it's Christmas! Well Christmas Eve to be exact. I woke up earlier that morning and ran down stairs to the kitchen to cook everyone my Christmas specialty, pancakes with green and red chocolate chips. To make my pancakes even more fun I cut them into the shapes of gingerbread people and Christmas trees. This was only for Christmas Eve. You do not even want to know what I do for the actual day.

Lets just say that Christmas was my favorite holiday. I was getting the ingredients out when I heard someone coming up the stairs. I turned around and noticed it was Sebastian looking at me then all the things I had out.

"What in the world are you doing up this early?" I asked him as I looked at the clock."It's 7:37 in the morning. You should be asleep."

"I couldn't sleep knowing it was Christmas Eve." he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Great! You can help me then." I said pulling on his shirt.

"What are we making?" he asked.

"Pancakes with green and red chocolate chips in the shape of gingerbread people and trees." I said in a 'duh' tone, my hand gesturing to the chocolate, pancake mix and cookie cutters.

"Oh okay. What do you want me to do?"

"Mix this." I said passing him the bowl with the mix I already started mixing. He took it with a smile and started mixing humming a song as he did. I recognized it as Your Biggest Fan by Never Shout Never. I grinned and started singing out loud.

He turned to me and grabbed my hands and started dancing around the kitchen singing with me. I have to admit his voice is really good. I mean my voice is good but his is just... Wow. I could listen to it all day if I could.

"What are you not singing anymore?" he asked.

"I wanted to listen to you sing." I replied.


"Cause you have an amazing voice."

"Thanks, you do too." he said grinning like an idiot.

"Not really." I said looking down at my feet, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. He lightly grabbed my chin and lifted up my face to see his.

"Why are you blushing?" he asked making me blush more.

"I don't know." I said and I honestly didn't know. What the heck is going on with me?

"You look beautiful when you blush." he said. I'm pretty sure I'm bright red right now.

"Thank you. Now mister we need to get back to the pancakes if we want to get them done before Daniel wakes up." I said putting the cookie cutter on the pan and tipping the batter inside the cutter.

"Right." he said and mixed some more batter.

After about forty-five minutes we had finished making the pancakes and we were cleaning up the mess we made.

"Uh Logan?" said Sebastian.

"Yea?" I said.

"This is  a lot of pancakes. This must be like fifty of them." he said looking at the giant pile of pancakes.

"Fifty eight actually." I said. Seb's eyes nearly fell out of his sockets. "But that doesn't matter 'cause they're gonna get eatin'."

"No they won't." he said.

"Wanna bet?"

"Yea five bucks says that there will be left over pancakes." he said.

"Deal." I said shaking his hand.

"Oh and Logan?"


"You have a little pancake mix on your face." he said.

"Really? Where?" I said.

"Riiight there." he said poking my cheek. I realized he was the one who put the mix on my face. I narrowed my eyes and reached for the bowl but he extended it behind his back. "Oh no you don't." he said when I tried to reach behind him.

That's when I realized how close we were. The electric shocks were running all throughout my body. And like in the movies I looked up at his face and saw he was looking at me. I didn't realize either of us were leaning closer until our lips touched. It was just a whisper of his lips as if asking to continue. I closed the distance and pressed my lips closer to his. It was just amazing.

To soon for my liking it was over. He pulled away and put the bowl on the counter and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight.

"Do you regret that kiss? 'Cause I sure don't." he said.

"Honestly? No, I actually wanted that kiss." I said truthfully.

"Good." he said. We stood there silent just standing there in each others arms for a couple seconds before he broke it. "Logan, will you go out with me tomorrow night?"

I looked up at his face and he seemed hopeful. I chuckled and nodded. He grinned and hugged me tight.  He opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off by Daniel.

"Sissy! Seb! Merry Christmas!" he shouted jumping in my arms. He looked over my shoulder and his famous grin showed up on his face."Pancakes?" he said.

"Yup." I said popping the'p'.

"The special kind?" he asked and I nodded. "Can I eat them?"

"Wake everyone up first."

He jumped down and ran out the kitchen door and ran up the stairs. Seconds later we hear Daniel shouting "WAKE UP YOU LAZY SACK! SISSY MADE PANCAKES." I looked at Seb and we burst out laughing.

About an hour later everyone was sitting around  the table rubbing their tummy's and sighing. I saw Seb was looking at me. I smirked and saw his eyebrow raise.

"Logan what in the world is that look for?"  my mom asked.

"Sebastain owes me five bucks." I said. His eyes widened and looked at the middle of the table were the stack of pancakes where they used to be.

"Not possible." I heard him mutter.

"What are you talking about?" Isabel asked.

"We made a bet. He said that there would be left over pancakes, but I said there wouldn't be any." I explained. I turned back to him and my smirk grew. " Pay up."

He groaned and got up from the table to probably grab his wallet. He came back and handed me the five dollar bill grumbling about how he couldn't believe he lost the bet and how ridiculous this was.

I smiled and got up from the table. "I'm going to go wrap presents." I said going up to my room.

I closed the door and grinned. I just had the perfect first kiss and now I have a date with a Sebastian. This Christmas can't get any better.


Hey guys, I know this is kinda late but I had a busy week. But at least it's up now right?

Anyways... They kissed! Finally.. I mean come on. I know you guys were wondering when it would happen. And what better time then Christmas.

The next chapter would be in Sebastian's POV. It'll pick up at when they are opening presents.

The song is Your Biggest Fan by Never Shout Never. I Love That Song!

I'll Upload as soon as I can.

Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Black Friday. Good luck to those of you who are going to shop. (Americans and their shopping. ;) ♥ No offense.)

Love You All

Sammy X3

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