Chapter 7

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Sebastian's POV

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. I grinned the sat up. That's when I realized wasn't in my room. I looked at all of Logans brother's things. I wonder if she would mind that I moved them while I lived here then put it back before I left.

"Sebastian!" someone yelled from upstairs.I heard pounding footsteps on the staircase. All of a sudden my door is thrown open and there was Logan standing in short shorts and a tank top. My eyes widened. Since when did she have a body like that?I mean her boobs are just out there. I looked at her face and saw that her eyes were wide too. I looked down and realized I was only in boxers.

"Like what you see?" I said smirking. She laughed sarcastically. Then she smirked at me.

"Don't act like you weren't staring at my rockin' body." she said gesturing to her body doing a body roll at the same time.

"I...Uh..." I stuttered feeling my cheeks flush.

"It's okay. Now you know why I always wear a sweater or something. To attract less attention." she said. "Now come on breakfast's ready."

"Okay let me just put on some pants." I said pulling on a pair of sweats.

We climbed up the up the stairs and went to the kitchen where Mrs. Hawley was cooking more bacon and flipping pancakes. We sat at the table next to eachother with Daniel on her side and Isabel on mine.

"I hope you like pancakes Sebastian." said  Mrs. Hawley seting down  a plate staked with them on the middle of the table.

"I love them." I said grinning at her.

"Help yourself." Logan said grabbing one from  the top.  

After breakfast Logan and  I were in the living room rubbing our tummy's.

"I ate so much I'm about to explode." I said.

"What did you expect from pancake Saturday?" she said.

"You do this every Saturday!" I yelled. She nodded then looked at my face. She bit her lip and her body started shaking with laughter. I satred at her plump pink lips. They looked so perfect and kissable. Why haven't I ever stopped teasing her to just try to get to know her? I mean she is so beautiful.

"Sebastian!" Logan yelled in my ear. I jumped and fell off the couch. She burst out laughing, clutching her stomache.

"Yea, go ahead laugh it up." I said getting up and sitting back on the couch. After she calmed down like ten minutes later she turned and looked at me.

"What made you space out like that?" she asked.

I looked down at my lap and felt myself flush. "N-No- Nothing." I stuttered.

"Uh-huh sure. I'll get it out of you eventually." she said.

"Good luck with that." I muttered.

She ignored me and turned on the T.V. to spongebob. It was the episode were plankton tricks spongebob into being his friend. Me and Logan sang along to the FUN song and ended up laughing our butt's off at nothing in paticular.When the show ended she turned the T.V. off and turned to me.

"What do you wanna do today?" she asked.

"What about we go... Eh I got nothing."I said.

"Why don't we hang out in my room and just hang out?" she asked.


We walked up to her room and I plopped down on her bed. She chuckled and shook her head.

"What should we do?"she asked.

"Lets play a game." I said.

"Okay, what game?"

"50 questions." I said.

"Don't you mean 20 questions?" she asked.

"Nope. 20 questions is to short so I play 50 questions." I said.


With that we began our game of 50 questions. We played for hours and we found out that me and her have alot in common.Like, her favorite band is Escape The Fate. She love's the guitar. Her favorite color is purple. She hates Justin Bieber (A/N: No offence JB fans). She drives a stick shift. She loves tacos. She would do anything for her family. And the list goes on and on. Buy the time we were on our 33rd question I finally got up the courage to ask her something that's been on my mind.

"Are you afraid to die?" I asked and looked in her amazing hazel eyes.

"Sometimes. But it would've happened sooner or later. I wish it was later... much later. But that's life. It sucks monkey balls." she said with a shrug.

"Monkey balls? That's a first." I said grinning.

"Guys dinner's ready!" Isabel yelled from downstairs.

"Race you there." Logan yelled already out the door.

"Cheater!" I shouted while chasing her.


After dinner I was lying in bed thinking about Logan. I was thinking about her smile and her laugh that sounds like twinkling bells. Her skin like silk and hair as dark as midnight and velvety smooth. Her voice like an angels. How she seemed to fit perfectly in my lap. I didn't want her to die. She hasn't gotten to do so many things. It's not fair.

 I don't know when I realized it. It just came out of nowhere and hit me like a ton of bricks. I Sebastian Garcia am falling for Logan Hawley.


Hey guys, not much happened today. But Sebastian finally realizes his feelings. What will he do  about them?

The song for today is SpongeBob's F.U.N song.

I'll upload soon, I hope.

Love You,

Sammy X3

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