Chapter 6

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Logan's POV

Seeing him like this is breaking my heart. He looks so broken and vulnerable. I pulled away to get in a better position only to be pulled onto his lap.

"Please don't leave me. I need you." he said tightening his grip on my waist.

"I wasn't going anywhere, I just wanted to get in a more comfortable position for the both of us. But right here is fine." I said trying to lighten the mood. He didn't answer me. I looked at him to see he was asleep. Jeez he is a fast sleeper. He is also really cute.I also realized how almost perfectly I fit here on his lap. I mentally slapped myself.

No Logan, no drooling over Seb. Especially when he's sleeping. Shame on you.

It's not his fault he's so attractive.

Who are you?

Your inner voice.

Oh, why are you talking to me?

I don't remember.

That would be something I would do.

Yes, yes it is.

 "Who is here for Sheri Garcia?" someone asked breaking me out of my conversation with my 'inner voice'. I stood up and pointed to Sebastian. "Do you  mind waking him up?" the doctor asked. I shook my head and started shaking his shoulder.

"What is it Logan?" he asked still half asleep.

"The doctor wants to talk to you. I think it's about your mom." that woke him up really fast.

"Is she okay? How are her wounds? Oh no it's not good news is it?" he said putting his head in his hands.

"Seb. Just let the man speak."

"Sorry doc. Go ahead." he said.

"The surgery went extremely well. She has a broken arm and a sprained ankle. She also has ancouple broken and bruised ribs. But other than that she should be fine."the doctor said.

"How long will she have to stay here?" I asked.

"Two weeks. Maybe less. She'e awake now. Do you wanna see her?" he asked. We nodded and followed him out of the waiting room. When we got to a room the doctor knocked on the door and led us inside.

"Hey, your son is here." said the doc.

"Thank you doctor." said this voice. Probably his mom.

When we walked in there was a lady on the bed that looked to be in her forties but it was hard to tell with the bruises and everything. She was very pretty.

"Hey mom. How you feeling?" Sebastian said.

"Sore, but I'm glad your here." she said looking behind him and noticing me. "Who's that?"

"Hi, I'm Logan. It's nice to meet you. Although the circumstance isn't... pleasent. But it's still nice to meet you."

"Oh! Your Logan. He's said so much about you. But your alot prettier than he said." She said. I raised my eyebrows and blushed.

"Mom." Sebastian said looking down at his feet with his face flushed.

"What? She is."she said shrugging then winced. Just then a nurse walked in the room. I realized it was Carol the nurse that's usually helps my doctor with my check ups.

"You should take it easy Ms.Garcia." she fluffed her pillow and turned around. She saw me and her eyes widened. "Logan? What are you doing here? Your appointment isn't for another week." she said.

"I came here cause she's my best friends mom." I said pointing to Sebastian.

"Oh. Okay. I'll see you next week?" she said.

"Like I have a choice." I said grinning.

"I'll come back to check on you later Ms.Garcia and visitiing hours are almost over. Bye Logan." she said walking out the room chuckling to herself.

"Bye Carol." I said shaking my head with an amused expression. I looked at Sebastian and he was laughing at his moms baffled expression.

"You know the nurses here by name?" she asked.

"I come here alot. I didn't wanna keep saying 'Hey you nurse, yeah you.' all the time." I said.

"If you don't mind me asking, but why do you come here alot?"she asked.

"Mom don't." Sebastian said.

"Seb, it's okay. I don't mind," I turned to his mom who had a confused expression on her face."I have leukemia."

"Oh. I didn't know. I'm sorry." she said.

"It's okay. Like you said you didn't know." I said smiling at her.

We sat there talking for another few minutes before we realizied visiting hours were almost over.

"Sebastian, I don't want you going to that house." his mom said.

"I know, but Logan's mom offeredus to stay at her place until we got back on our feet." he said.

"Really?" she asked turning to me. I nodded. " Oh thank you so much." she said starting to tear up.

"Don't worry about it." I said.

"You guys should get going and rest." she said.

"Okay. I'll come visit again tomorrow." Seb said as we stood up. He went and kissed his moms forehead." Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight sweetheart. Bye Logan."

"Bye Ms.Garcia."

"Call me Sheri."

"Okay." I said. And with that we walked out the hospital and to my car. He stopped at the passenger side. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Thank you Logan." he said.

"For what?"

"I don't know, this? Everything? You've done so much for me even though I have always been a total ass to you. So thank you." he said looking me dead in the eye.

"What are friends for?" I said. "Lets go home. It's getting really late."

"Okay. Lets go."


I finally posted. At least its not like 2 weeks apart.

This chapter is dedicated to WhyNotTryEverything. She is actually my best friend and has a story here on Wattpad. It's called Don't Tell Mom. It's really good.

I should update soon. Maybe in the next few days.

Love You,

Sammy X3

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