Chapter 8

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Logan's POV

It's been three months since Sebastian and  his mom moved in. My mom and Seb's mom get along so well they might as well be sisters. My mom even converted the basement into a mini apartment so they can live in. They only have to help with the rent and cook every other night. Sebastian's dad ended up being locked up for twenty-five years. And finally my cancer has been gradually getting worse.

 Right now I'm laying down next to Seb in the snow outside. We're on winter break right now so we don't have to worry about  school. Speaking of school, I remember the first day back from all the craziness. It was probably the most amazing day I ever had in High School history.



I pulled up to my hell and parked in my usual space. Sebastian got out the car and I followed him. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it smiling at me reassuringly as we made our way to my locker. I let go of his hand and started to spin the dial.

"Have you heard the song Cirque Dans La Rue?"he asked.

"The Plain White T's?"

"Yea, you know it?" he said.

"That song is freaking amazing. When I first heard it I was like... Wow."

"I know right! But my mom hates the begining because of the clown music."

"My brother cried when I played it to him." I said cracking up remembering when I played the song for Daniel.

"Your kidding."

But before I could answer I heard it. The most irritating, screechy voice in the school. She is also the school's queen bee and slut all rolled in one. Savana.

"Ewww Sebby what are you doing with that thing?" she said her voice making me want to stick needles in my eyes.

"Logan is not a thing." he said.

"Your right, its and it." she said smirking.

"Don't call her that." he hissed through clenched teeth.

"Are you defending her now." she said confused.

"Yes, she's my friend." he said.

"You can't be her friend and ours. So choose, us or her."

Up until then I had stayed quiet. But I could'nt let him do this to himself. "It's okay Sebastian, you don't have to give up your popularity for me."

"Her." he said completely ignoring what i said.

"What!" Savana and I said at the same time.

"I said I choose her." he said again.

"Your making a big mistake." Savana screeched.

"No, I'm not. I was getting sick of hanging out with whores and bitches and fakes like you and your so called 'friends'. But Logan is real and down to earth and she is actually funny and isn't afraid to say whats on her mind. I rather hang out with her than you anyday." he said turning to me and smiling. He then pulled me into a hug before closing my locker door and leading me away from Savana and her followers.


I smiled at the memory and continued on with the snow angel I was making. I seem to be doing that alot. The smiling I mean. The snow... Well this is the first time I ever played in snow.

"What's with that grin of yours?" I heard Seb ask from above me.

"I can't believe I never played in the snow before." I said getting up and looking at my snow angel.

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