Chapter 3

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Logan's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling really tired. It was normal for me to feel tired, but today I felt really tired. Maybe it's cause the worlds biggest jerk knows I have cancer. I groaned and rolled over in bed to realize there's someone in it. I roll onto the little bundle.

"Ahhhh! Sissy get off!" Daniel yells.

"Woah, did my bed just talk?" I said prentending to be surprised. Daniel started to giggle.

"No, silly it's me. Daniel!" he said.

"Daniel?" I got up and put on a shocked face."Daniel you'll never guess what happened. My bed just talked."

"No, It was me. You were laying on top of me."

"Gasp! I was? That won't do. Especially for the birthday boy."

"You remembered!" He said giving me a big hug. Wow he's strong. I think that it'll bruise.

"Of course I did! How can I not remember?" I said.

" Isabel forgot." he said just as she walked in my room.

"Thats because Isabel is a poop face." I looked at her and smirk.

"Daniel its 6:30 you need to go back to bed." she said.

"But I'm not tired." he said as he was letting out a big yawn. I looked at Isabel and burst out laughing. It took us about five minutes to calm down. When I looked back at Daniel he was fast asleep with his thumb in his mouth. I chuckled and took a picture before tucking him in and getting ready for school. Isabel left early cause she had cheer practice. I walked out of the house surprised to see Sebastian's car in my driveway. 

I lock the door and walk past the car. I hear a door open and close. Then hear footsteps behind me.

"Logan wait."

"Leave me alone Sebastian." I said as I continued to walk.

"Wait, let me drive you." he said grabbing my arm lightly.

I turned to face him with my eyes narrowed "I don't want your pity."

"It's not pity, I just feel bad for all the mean thing I did to you." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"I rather walk." I said as I started to walk down the drive again. Suddenly there were two strong arms wrapped around my waist (tightly I might add) and I was off the gound. "Put me down please."

"Nope I'm driving you."

"Sebastian, seriously your hurting me." I heard him open the door to his car and put me in the passenger seat. He closed the door and got in his seat and started driving to school. I pulled down the mirror and examined my neck. Sure enough there was a bruise starting to form. I closed the flappy-thingy and took off my sweater. There were bruises on my arm and I lifted up my shirt and there were bruises on my waist where he picked me up and also some old ones that I got from being shoved into lockers.

I heard Sebastian take in a sharp intake of breath and pull over. He turned to me and his eyes seemed close to tears. "Who did that to you." he asked pointing to my stomache.

"You did. Just now." I said.

"I did? But I barley grabbed you." he said.

"The cancer I have is Leukemia. One thing that happens is I bruise easy. No big deal."

"I'm sorry for everything. I really am." he said a tear rolling down his cheek. Before I could stop myself I reached over and wiped it away with my thumb. I pulled back when I felt little sparks in my hand.

"How about a truce?" I said. He turned to me and smiled.


Sebastian's POV

She wiped away my traitor tear that rolled down andmy cheek burned where she touched it. Even now and it has been about an hour and a half since she touched me. When I saw the bruises I freaked out. I thought someone was abusing her just like my dad was abusing me. When she told me Ihow easily she bruised I felt awful. I couldn't believe she let us do that that to her. I can't believe I did it to her in the first place.

The bell rang signaling the end of class. I walked out out the bathroom and looked around the hallway. It was slowly emptying because the bell was going to any minute. I headed towards my locker. Just as I turned the corner I saw Logan at her locker. I called her name, but she didn't even acknowledge that she heard me. As I got closer I realized she was humming along to her iPod. I reacognized the song as 'Sarcasm by Get Scared.'

I didn't know she knew that band. By now I was standing behind her and she was singing the chorus out loud.

Sticks and stones  could break my bones

But anything you say  will only feul my lungs

Dont mind us were just spilling our guts

If this is love I don't wanna be loved

You pollute the room with a filthy tounge

Watch me choke it down so I can throw it up

She has a really good voice. I can just sit here and listen to it all day. The late bell rang and she just stood there continuing with the song. I tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and turned around. When she saw it me she grinned sheepishly. Her smile made something churn in my stomache and it scared the crap out of me.

"Hey." she said closing her locker and turning to walk with me to class.

"You have an amazing voice." I blurted.

"You heard that?" she said looking at the ground. Is she blushing?

"Yea. Don't be embarresed it's really good." I said. "Besides I sound like an ostrich when I sing." 

She looked at me and burst out laughing. I pretended to be hurt but started laughing just as we walked into history. Someone gasped and we turned to the class. Everyone had shocked faces, even the teacher. We looked at each other and started laughing again. We headed to our assigned seats. Oddly enough the teachers didn't comment on our being late. I guess she was just to shocked to see us walk in together laughing.

When the teacher regained focus again she announced that today we had a free period. I turned to Logan.

"Today is my brother's birthday. Do you want to come over. There's gonna be cake." she said batting her eyelashes. My heart fluttered. Then I processed what she said.

"Sure. I'll just have tell my mom I'll be home later." I told her. She beamed at me and popped in her head phones.

I have an escape from my father. I can't wait for tonight.


Hey guys, I know it's been a long time but I was put in the hospital again. This one didn't have WiFi :(

The song is called Sarcasm by Get Scared. I had this song stuck in my head all day.

This is dedicated to Breathless_Love for being my first fan. Read her stories. They are really good.

The next chapter should up sooner than this one was posted. Again sorry about that.

Oh, should I do a cast? If I do who should I use?

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Sammy X3

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