Chapter 14

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I hated just sitting here in this boring waiting room. I wanted to see Logan! I missed her.

The doctors said somehow the cancer caused her to be in a coma, so now she is. They don't know when she'll wake up, but I hope it's really soon.

She's been in this coma for almost two days now, and there are no signs of her waking up yet. I know it's only been almost two days, but it's taking forever!

But if she has to be in a coma for a while just to get better, I hope she'll return stronger than ever. Not that she's not strong, because she is. It's just, I kind of think this could be the end for her.

What am I saying?! She hasn't passed away! And she won't for a while! I can make sure of it!

Stop lying to yourself, you can't do anything, but wait and watch. You're watching her die more and more each day. Why'd you get so attached to her? It'll be a lot harder for you to let her go this way," my inner voice told me.

She's not dying! She's getting stronger! I know she will! She'll be safe as soon as she wake up. She will. She just has to.

"Sebastian, are you okay?" Mom asked me.

"I'm fine mom. I just have to go pee," I replied as tears came to my eyes, and I ran to the bathroom.

Isabel's POV

What's going on with Sebastian? Logan will be fine. He just worries far too much.

Well, he does care about her. We all do. But we aren't giving up on her. We are never giving up on her, no matter how bad her cancer gets.

Logan's strong. She'll pull this off.

"Isabel, you want to check up on him?" Mom asked.

"No! I'm not going into the guys' bathroom!"

"He isn't going to the bathroom. The closest one here is the one down this hall, not that. That one leads to a dead end."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, then got up and walked towards Sebastian's directions.

Passing many nurses and doctors, and still haven't found Sebastian. I looked to my left, and saw some packages of blood, and I felt my stomach instantly get sick.

I was terrified of blood. I really couldn't stand seeing it, so I ran to a bathroom, and started vomiting. It was gross.

Once I finished, I looked around for Sebastian again. After a few tries, I found him.

"Are you okay?" I questioned him.

He just nodded his head in response.

"Want to go back?"

He just stood there. He sat down against the wall, and I did, too.

"What if she doesn't wake up?"

"Don't say that. My sister is very strong, and she always has her head up. She will wake up, I promise," I told Sebastian.

"What if-"

"I hate the 'What if?' game!" I yelled.

He looked offended, then looked down at his shoes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I just hate hospitals, and being here isn't doing much to my happiness," I apologized.

"It's okay. I'm just scared."

"I know. But you shouldn't be, really."

"Fine, I'm taking your word on this, but if she doesn't, I will cry my eyes out, and you will be a promise-breaker."

"Okay," I laughed, and we both got up, and walked over to the waiting room again.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure," I told him.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise."

"I got Logan a puppy," he smiled at me.

"Really?! Awe! What kind?"

"A black lab."

"How old is it?"

"She's just a week old. I bought her yesterday," Sebastian smiled.


"I have to make something up for her because of all the bullying I did to her."

I stopped walking, and looked over at him. "You are the guy who has picked on her for years? Because of you she has cried to me countless times, and you made her hate herself! You should be ashamed of what you did to her!"

"I am! I feel really bad for all of it!"

"Why? Because she has cancer?"

He stayed quiet not saying anything. "You are pathetic!" I walked away.

"Isabel! Wait!"

"No! I want you out of my house, and to never speak to Logan again! Get out of her life, and don't you dare think about ever going back!" I walked away, this time, he didn't stop me.

When I was walking away from him, I did feel kind of bad, but I was more angry.

Nobody hurts my sister, and I mean nobody.


Sara here :) some people told me they missed Sammy, and I do too! :/

I know it's been a while, but I decided I'd upload a new part of each of a story I'm writing and so I did, because today is my 15th birthday! Jk it was 2 weeks ago. I wrote this two weeks ago, but forgot to upload this, sorry!

vote and comment, for Sammy! Because we love her :)

Thank you guys so much for supporting Sammy, I'm sure it means a lot to her <3 and it does to me, too! :)

I love you and I'm sure Sammy does too!


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