Chapter 10

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Sebastian's POV

I couldn't get that kiss out of my mind. It was swimming in there ever since it happened this morning. I can't believe she said yes to going out with me. Oh wow I sound like a girl. But honestly I can't believe it.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 11:26 pm. I got up and went to the closet to get the wrapped presents I got everyone. I got my mom a necklace with her birthstone. I got Isabel a laptop case that was custom made with her name sewn on it in bright purple and the case itself is pink. I got Daniel a toy Bumble Bee. That boy is obsessed with transformers. I got Ms.Hawley a new copy of her favorite book (A/N: I didn't know what book to use. I dont read old people books. No offense) cause her book was falling apart. Also cause I didn't know what to get her.

Now for Logan I got her an new sketch book with a set of colored and regular pencils. She has been dropping hints for this for weeks. As soon as I realized what she was talking about ( trust me it took me alot longer than it should've) I went and got it be for I forgot. I went upstairs and put the gifts under the tree. I looked at the clock again and saw it was 11:42. In about fifteen minutes we would wake up Daniel to open presents.

I looked at all colorfully wrapped. There was one pretty big one wrapped in my favorite color,blue. I look at the tag and saw my name. It didn't say who it was from so I guess I'll have to wait. I sat there on the couch letting my thoughts run. I was thinking about my date with Logan. I know exactly where I'm taking her.

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts when I heard Logan calling my name. I turned to her and raised my eyebrow at her annoyed expression.

"What?" I asked.

"I have been sitting here trying to get your attention for the past twenty minutes." she said. I frowned and looked at the clock. I was already past midnight. "Why are you always spacing out on me?" she asked. I opened my mouth to answer her but I was interupted.

"Logan go wake up your brother and sister and bring them down here." Logans mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay mom." she shouted back. She then grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. I couldn't help but notice how her hand fit perfectly in mine. It also didn't help with the little electric shocks that were going thru my body right now.

We stopped walking when we were infront of Isabel's door. Logan knocked on the door and waited for Isabel to open it. When she did open it she was rubbing sleep from her eyes. Then she looked at the us, then the clock, then ran past us down the stairs.

"Someone is a little bit excited." Logan muttered sarcastically. I chuckled at her and dragged her to Daniel's room to wake him up. When we got there we were surprised to see him awake and drawing someting.

"Daniel? Why are you awake?" Logan asked.

"I was drawing pictures for everyone else in the house." he  said.

"Are you done?"

"Now I am." he said, grabbing a pile of papers and running downstairs. I chuckled and followed him downstairs with Logan in tow. When we got downstairs everyone was waiting around the tree. I noticed that they were staring at our hands. I looked down and saw that I had Logans hand intertwined in mine. I shrugged and looked at our beaming moms and a confused Isabel. I looked at Daniel to see him staring intently at the presents.

"Shall we open the presents?" Logan asked pulling me to the couches. She made me sit down and went to grab the first present. "Daniel, this is from mom and Isabel." she handed him the present. It was a new Nintendo DSi. My mom got him a few new games. When he saw my truck he freaked out. Logan and I must have the same mind because she got him Optimus Prime (A/N: I really hope I spelled that right).

Isabel got a new pink purse from her mom. She smiled when she got Daniel's picture of her. Which was pretty impressive. My mom got her a new make up kit. Logan got her a new set of nail polish (Alot of different shades of pink). She ginned and hugged me when she got my laptop case.

Logan's mom got a bunch of books from everyone but my mom. My mom got her a new perfume. My mom also got new perfume and jewlery box. Logan got a Criminal Minds DVD set from her mom. She got a portrait of herself from Daniel, a set of books she wanted to get, from Isabel. My mom get her a necklace with her name on it. She squeezed me half to death when she opened my present and kissed my cheek.

So far I got a DVD set for all of Spongebob's seasons made so far from Isabel. I got a new colonge from my mom. A new copy of Dracula from Logan's mom (I guess I wasn't the only one who reads their favorite book alot).I also got amps from everyone. I don't know why since I dont have an electric guitar.

Right now I am opening my last present. It's the big blue one that had no name on it. (I found out it's from Logan she just forgot to put her name on the presents she gave everyone.) I was tearing the paper when I noticed the word guitar on the box. My eyes widened and I tore the rest of the paper off. I was now looking at a brand new dark blue electric guitar. I jumped up and tackled Logan to the ground.

"What were you thinking! This must've cost a fortune."I yelled. "Don't get me wrong I love it, but its too  much."

"Oh shut up. It only cost half of  my life savings plus a third of what was left  for those amps. It's not a big deal. I wasn't going to use that money for anything. So just enjoy it." she said.


"No buts. Now get off I can't breath."

"Sorry." I said getting off her. I stared at her for a minute before I looked back at the guitar. Then I looked at her and smiled softly."Thank you."

"Your welcome." she replied softly back at me. "Now I'm tired and I have a long day later, so good night everyone." she said going up the stairs. As soon as we heard the door close upstairs everyone (except Daniel who fell asleep on the floor hugging his toys) turned to me.

"What?" I asked slowly.

"Did you ask her yet?" my mom asked.

"Yes." I answered not saying anymore.

"Well? What'd she say?" this came from Logan's mom.

"She said yes."

"Took you long enough." Isabel muttered. I threw her a glare and she grinned sheepishly.

"I'm going to bed now." I said gathering all my  gifts and carrying them down to my room. I got into bed after I stripped down and put on my pajama bottoms. I layed there thinking about tomorrows date.

How did I get lucky enough to be able to go on a date with Logan? Was the last thing that crossed my mind before I fell asleep. Actually, no. I was lying. The last thing that crossed my mind was... When did I become such a girl?


Hey guys. I know it's been a while, but I have been super busy with chemo and school and I'm trying  out for my school talent show. Then in the middle of writing the chapter I get writers block and couldn't seem to  get past this one part.

I know this one isn't as good... But at least it's up right? Better late than never. I'll try to upload the next chapter on Wednesday.

Love You!

Sammy X3

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