Chapter 4

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Sebastian's POV

After school, I met Logan by her locker. We went to my car and drove to her house talking about the teachers we hated and our favorite band. Who knew she listened to Escape The Fate too?

We were stopped at a light when her phone rang.


A muffled response.

"Yea okay-" The person on the line interrupted her. "Yea, bye." she said then hung up. She turned to me and smiled. It seemed suspicious.

"What do you want?" I asked quirking an eyebrow.

"My mom wants me to pick up the cake." She said grinning and shrugging her shoulders.

I sigh."Where to first?" I asked.

"The Swiss Bakery." she said. I turned the car and drove there. We got there about ten minutes. I parked the car and waited for her to get out."I'm going to need your help" she said.

I chuckled and got out the car locking before taking her hand and dragging her to the bakery door. Those damn sparks were burning my hand and shooting up my arm. I guess she felt them too because she let go of my hand and opened the door.

"Ladies first." she said smirking.

"Why thank you kind sir." I said mocking a courtsey. She started laughing and walked to the counter.

"Hey Logan, here to pick up your brothers cake?" said the lady behind the counter.

"Yup." she said popping the 'p' and smiling.

"I see you brought man power. Good idea, it took three of us to get it in from the truck." said the lady.

Okay, now I am officially confused I was about to ask how big the cake was when in came the lady with a big cart with  the cake on it. My eyes widened and I looked at her. It really was a Batman cake. Its literally a Batman cake. It's his body from the waist up. It even had his utility belt. She smiled at me and went to pay for the cake.

I went over to the ladies and helped them box the cake. When we were halfway done I caught part of the first bakery lady and Logan's conversation.

"So how are you feeling?" the lady said.

"I'm doing good. I'm always tired though. It sucks Aunt Peggie." she said.

"Oh I know. I know." said her aunt pulling her into a hug. By then we finished putting the cake in the box. "I'll stop by the house later okay." she said as they pulled away.

"Okay. I'll see you then." she said grinning. Logan turned to me and smiled. "You ready to go?"

"Yup, lets get this baby in the car." I said turning to the cake.

In the end we needed Logan, her aunt,and me to carry the cake to the car. When we got to her house we called her mom to get the cake in the house. When we walked through the door she was attacked by a little boy causing us to almost drop the cake.

 "Daniel!" Logan yelled.

He looked up with the most adorable puppy dog eyes. I looked up at Logan and saw her smile softly at the little boy. "What I do?" he asked.

"You almost made us drop the cake." she said.

" I sowwy." he said hugging her leg.

"It's okay." she said.

"Umm, Logan the cake is heavy." said her mom.

"Sorry. Lets go."

We walked towards the kitchen and set the cake down on the counter.

"Is that for me?" asked Daniel as he looked at the cake in awe as we took it out of  the box.

"Yupp all for you and your friends." Logan said as she picked him up and gave him a squeeze. Just then the door bell rang. She looked at me and smiled. "Let the games begin."


The party went by as a blur. We spent most of it upsatirs in her room by her mothers request. We only came down to sing happy birthday and open presents. When evryone left I stayed back to help clean up.

"Crap!" I muttered when I spilled coke all over my shirt. I heard Logan laughing. I turned to her and glared. She rolled her eyes and motioned me to follow her.

When we got to her room I saw her searching in her drawers for something. "Aha!" she yelled as she pulled out a shirt that looked like it belonged to a dude. "Here put this on." she said as she chucked the shirt at me.

"Whose shirt is this?" I asked, making sure it was an ex-boyfriends shirt or something.

I looked at her and she seemed sad about something. "It was my brothers. He served in the army and was killed in action about  four years ago. It was his favorite shirt. Mine too. I used to always take it from him." she said smiling sadly.

"I don't have to wear it." I said about to give it back. She shook her head and clasped her hands behind her back.

"It's okay as long as you give it back later." she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive." she said. I shrugged my wet shirt off and pulled her brothers on. I looked up at her and  saw her staring at me, her hazel eyes wide with shock. I smirked.

"Liked what you saw?" I said. She looked at me with her eyes filled with tears. My smirk immediatly fell from my face. What happened? I thought. Then she started walking up to me. She lifted up the shirt and I looked down. I saw what she was looking at... my bruises.

( A/N: I was gonna stop here but decided to continue.)

Logan's POV

I felt tears start to fall as I looked at his bruises. Who did this to him?

"Don't cry." he said wiping my tears.

"W-who?" I managed to choke out.He looked panicked."Don't you dare lie to me." I added. He sighed and sat on my bed.

"My dad." he said, putting his head on his hands."I was trying to protect my mom."

"Has it happened before?" I asked trying to control the anger boiling up. He nodded and a tear slid down his cheek. I went over to my bed and grabbed a pillow. I put it on the wall and held it there. I then repeatedly punched the pillow letting my anger out.

I heard a chuckle from behind me. I turned around and saw Sebastian laughing.

"What's so funny?"I asked.

"You killed your pillow and your room and your hair is a mess." he said still laughing. I looked around the room and realized it really was a mess. I started laughing too. I was afraid to see what my hair looked like.

When we calmed down enough, I sat in front of him and leaned on his legs. I began pulling feathers out of my hair and he helped.

"You can't go back there." I said seriously.

"I have to. My mom is there." he said."Besides where are we supposed to go?"

I turned and looked at him. "Bring your mom and stay here."


I bet you guys hate me for the late update. I'm soooo sorry for that by the way. I have just been so busy with school and doctor's appoointments and this new medicine I'm on that makes me really tired.

I'm going to try my best to upload chapter five really soon.


Sammy X3

P.S. Should I add a cast to the story?

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