Chapter 12

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Logan's POV

Apparently walking down the school hall holding Sebastian's hand isn't such a good idea. It causes you many glares from Sabastian's old friends.

I looked down at my feet and felt bad. He lost his popularuty because of me, and now I'm his only friend. What happens when I die? He'll have no one left, and it's all my fault.

"Ignore them," Sabastian whispered in my ear.

We made it to my locker and got out the stuff I needed for history. Sebastian already has his, so once I finish, we make our way to the classroom. Still, people are pointing, whispering, and glaring at us. Do they think this is illegal or something?


Sebastian and I are driving home now. Yeah, him and his mom Sheri still live with us. They haven't really heard of Sabastian's dad since he tried killing Sheri.

"Okay, what's bugging you?" Seb asked me.

"It's getting worse, Seb."

"Your cancer?"

"No," I sighed. "There's rumors going around about us. What's going to happen when I die?! Huh? What'll you do then?! You chose me over your friends! You'll have no friends when I'm gone. You made a mistake and it's too late to fix it and-" I was cut off by my own crying, so I was forced to pull over.

"Logan," Sebastian put both his hands on my shoulders, "what's with all this dying thing? I didn't make a mistake, and they weren't my friends."

"I-I'm just getting paranoid of when I will be gone, and what'll happen. Each day, I'm getting closer to dying and I'm scared," I sobbed.

It looks like I took him by surprise. It took him a few seconds to manage what he was going to say.

"Logan, you only have one life. Yours might be gone before some others, but there's one thing I want you to know, I can't ever replace you. You really have changed me. Remember when I picked on you?" I nodded in responce. "I will never pick on someone again. I had no idea what was going on, but when I found out, I was ashamed of myself. You are going to die, everyone will. But I promise you, you won't die for a long time."

"Sebastian, the doctors are predicting that I only have six more months to live. That's not even three hundred and sixty five days. I have less than two hundred days to live. Let's just get home, I need some rest," I breathed. I felt Sebastian wipe away the remaining tears on my face.

"Want me to drive?" Sebastian offered.


Sebastian got our of the passenger's seat, walked around the front of the car, and into the driver's seat, while I slid into the passenger's seat, and just looked outside while Sebastian drove home.


Sebastian's POV

I've been sitting outside Logan's room since we arrived home, and she's been in there the whole time.

I hated seeing her like this. It's not her. I just wish I could do something to change it.

"Is she still in there?" Ms. Hawley asked, frowning slightly.

"Yes," I sighed.

"Well dinner's ready. I'll go talk to her so you can eat," she gave me a weak smile.

"Okay," I got up and slowly walked down the stairs.

Once I got to the kitchen, I saw Daniel on the ground drawing. "What are you drawing?"

"Logan, you, Isabel, Mommy, Sheri, me. Basically the family."

"It's time to eat, so are you done?" I questioned.

"No. I finish later. Carry me?" He pouted, which was literally the cutest thing ever.

"Of course," I took him into my arms and carried him to the table. Mom and Isabel were talking about some lady stuff.

Mom looked up and smiled at me. I sat Daniel down beside Isabel and walked over and sat beside my mom. We waited a bit, then Ms. Hawley came into the room.

"Where's Logan?" I asked, looking confused.

"She's washing up, she'll be down in a minute," she sat down at the end of the table, and we waited for Logan now.

In about two minutes, she entered the kitchen with her face down. She sat down beside me, so I took her hand and squeezed it. I still felt the sparks I did the first time I touched her.

We ate, and once we finished, Logan bolted to her room, and I followed once I put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

I knocked lightly on her door, but heard nothing. After ten seconds, the door opened, and Logan leaped into my arms.

"I'm so sorry," she hugged me tightly.

"Don't be. Let's watch a movie to get our mind off things?" I suggested.

"Comedy?" she let go of me.

"The Hangover?"

"Deal," She smiled, took my hand and lead me into her room, where we watched the movie.


The movie was almost over, when I looked down to my side and saw Logan fast asleep in my arms. I lightly kissed her forehead, and continued watching the movie.

I wasn't even paying much attention to the movie. All I could focus on was Logan.

I did some math calculations, and found out she was right. She only had one hundred and seventy-one days to live.

But I'll do whatever I can to make it the best one hundred and seventy-one days of her life.


Hey guys, this isn't Sammy. I'm Mascara, another user here.

A few days ago, I got a private message from Letsbechildish (Sammy's friend) asking if I could finish Sammy's story, considering Sammy doesn't think she'll be able to finish it, as her cancer is getting worse.

Of course, I agreed. I was heart broken when I found out about her though. I've prayed as much as I could for her to get better.

Please have her and her family in your thoughts and prayers, because they're in mine.

Get well soon Sammy, please? I love you, and it doesn't matter if I finish this story, it'll always be yours, and it's my pleasure to finsh it for you, but I do hope you get better. Please? For me? I love you so much Sammy. Forever in my heart <3


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