12. "youre both gorgeous."

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PROMPT; connor and troye chat at a coffee shop (?) AU

Troye's POV;

I'm sitting in a booth at a coffee shop, I've been staring at this green eyed boy who's to engrossed in his book to notice me. Although we did make eye contact when he came in, he sent me a cute smirk, I smiled back. He's reading Paper Towns, but occasionally checking his phone.

Probably has a girlfriend. Well way to go Troye, you're stalking a straight guy. I didn't even notice when he came to my table, but he did because he's standing right in front of me.

I look up at him and he speaks, "mind if I sit?" His voice is not so high, but not so deep, perfect. He's so pretty.

I blush realizing I still have to answer, "Uh-yeah, go ahead.."

He nods sitting down, putting his book to the side and his phone, then looks at me. We are just staring at each other, until he speaks up, "that's not a common accent, it sounds Australian? What is it?" He asks, I smile because he's interested, and he's the only to get at least it partially correct.

"It's actually is Australian, but mixed South African, many people think it's British." He shakes his head.

"No, I don't hear British, well maybe, but I travel a lot so it came easy to me."
I grin, "really? Where have you been so far?"

He smiles, his eyes getting a sparkle, "I've been to South Africa, Australia, the UK, New Jersey, Florida, Half of Europe, which I want to finish..." He continues to tell me the places he's been and where he wants to go until he stops short, he looks out the window, and then at the door of the cafe.

His eyes widen, and he blushes. I turn to look at what's wrong, only to see a fairly attractive guy holding hands with girl, I turn back Connor to see him with tears brimming. I pull a brave move and grab his hand. He looks at me bewildered, then looks down at the hands and smilies slightly.

"Thank you- that's uh my ex.." He says awkwardly. My eyes widen, ouch, that must hurt. Wait-wait this means that Connors gay.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he shakes his head smiling sadly at me, he looks past me, "Can we like keep holding hands until they leave?" I contemplate, I can say no and turn down a really attractive sweet guy, or I can say yes and enjoy every moment.

"Yes, of course, now what is your favorite music artist?" We continue to chat. Our hands never disconnected. We stop our conversing until a worker comes up to us begging us to leave because he wants to go home. When I'm typing in my number to Connors phone, he compliments my nails. I thank him, informing him my mom did them.

I hand him back his phone, and we're just staring at each other,smiling like fools. Until the first rain drop falls. We laugh, and before we part ways Connor speaks, "You know Troye, you and your nails have something in common."

I look down at my light purple nails with a chevron glitter added to it. "oh really, what is it?" His next statement makes me blush crimson.

"You're both gorgeous."

With that he turns around, leaving me running to my car trying not to get drenched in rain. When I arrive home, I get questioning glances from my family, but I just make my way to my room.

That night I fall asleep with a huge smile on my face, and a certain American traveler on my mind.

"You're both gorgeous."
HELLOOO!! Okay short A/N bc my fingers are going CRASZUZYZYY!!!
Okay bye
FOLLOW IG; @ conchobartronnor
**winks; BUHHIII-Blue Neighbourhood Outro**

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