16. "down right fucked up"

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PROMPT; troye hears nasty words being thrown at connor and goes with him to guidance AU

Troye and Connor are in the guidance office because Troye caught a boy bulling Connor about being gay. And Troye did not like what he heard.

"So Troye, tell me exactly what happened." The guidance counselor ordered.

Troye sighs looking at Connor sympathetically, "Okay."


I'm walking into the school late. What don't blame me tumblr decided to be really active and shit last night. I am approaching the corner where I have to turn when I hear a voice.

"Where do you think you're going fag?"

The voice belongs to Marcus Butler but who is he speaking to?

"C-class." The other person responds stuttering.

Connor Franta?

My suspicions are correct when I peek my head around the corner and see Marcus Butler towering over Connor, making him look 10 times smaller then he already is.

"Speak up fag, I can't hear you. Maybe because I was learned to block out sinners." Marcus Butler spits at Connor.

I feel my blood boiling but I force it to cool.

Connor stays silent, apparently that wasn't a good idea because next he's on the ground clutching his stomach groaning in pain. That's when I decided I need to step in.

"Hey! Marcus? What the hell are you doing?" My voice booms. Woah, I didn't know I could do that.

Marcus looks up startled, it calms down slightly when he sees its just me, but he walks off with a scoff muttering about some shit that I'm to angry to understand. I make my way to Connor and reach out and touch his shoulder, only for him to let out a sob and flinch away from my touch.

"P-please don't h-hurt me. I-I'm s-s-sorry." He trails off. I sigh shaking my head sadly.

"Connah, I won't hurt you, I promise." I reassure speaking as soft as I could, not wanting to scare him.

At that he looks up, I can practically feel the relief radiating off of him when he makes eye contact with me.

"Come on, let's go to the guidance lady."

Flashback over.

"Ah, I see." Is what she simply replies with.
Troye looks furious, as Connor drops his head in disappointment. That's all she has to say. THAT'S ALL SHE HAS TO SAY?

"That's it? You're not going to do something? You're not going to make sure he's okay? All you can say is 'ah I see'?" Troye complains clenching his fists.

Connor looks at him, and almost flinches as he sees anger radiating off of Troye.

"You aren't going to say something about how some people are just homophobic. You aren't going to even mention how wrong it was that he was bullied because he is gay?" Troye asks raising his voice.

Connor speaks up at this.

"That's because society is messed up." When Connor speaks up, both look at him. He continues.

"Society has captured everyone-almost everyone- in this school. In this world. Society dragged them in so deep they can't escape, who knows when they'll open their eyes and see the light. Society fucked them over. Everyone thinks gays, pans, trans, bi's, and ect, are gross, they treat us like gum on their shoe. They bully us because we are different. It's amazing right? They make fun because we are doing what we want. Isn't that what they taught us? Do what you love; do what you want and don't let anybody stop you? Yet here is everyone trying to put another boulder as soon as you get past the first one. They bully, and make fun but we deal with it. Why? Because society is fucked up. Which is why most people are fucked up. So until society isn't fucked and until people get their heads out of the dark and open their eyes and come out to see the light, then we will continue with the pain that comes of being yourself. And I feel like we have a long time to go until people stop pushing me into lockers and kicking me until blood appears so they can get' gay to come out' of me. And there is nothing at all that we can do. Nothing. Gay marriage is legal, but that doesn't mean all the pain, and all the suffering with it will stop. I will continued to get bullied, I will continue holding my head low hoping nobody notices my bruises forming. Why? Because society is simply down right fucked up." Connor poets.

They both stare at him wide eyed, astonished as he looks down at his lap with a slight blush. He can not believe he just said that. But damn, did it feel so good to get that out.

Troye gives Connor a wide smile that can only say, 'I'm proud of you, well said.'

"You two are dismissed."

As they are walking out we hear the guidance lady say into the phone, "Can you please send down Marcus Butler?"

That just makes the two boys smile wider.

Troye stops Connor.

"Connor what you said is 100% true, and I couldn't agree more."

"Well, it felt good to get it off my chest." Connor responds

"Hey, um, do you maybe want to get, um, frozen yogurt?" Troye asks fearing rejection.

"That sounds nice." Connor agrees shooting Troye a smile.

What did I write idk? Mkay I'm tired. Like always
FOLLOW IG; @ troyesmellettt
**winks; BUHHHIIII- Blue Neighbourhood Outro**


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